
Sunday, February 22, 2009

forced down time

i'm preparing for a little forced down time. i have to have a little procedure performed tomorrow--no biggie, but the doc recommended 3 days off. i'll take two (i hope that's all--of course, i don't "bounce" like i once use to . . . not sure i've ever really "bounced") and return to the shop on wednesday.

hodgepodge will be closed on monday--i hope you're not inconvenienced. patty will be there for you (but mostly me--thank you patty) on tuesday.

see you at the shop wednesday, but here in blogdom sooner--i hope.

don't forget to add your comments for the contest!

thanks for your indulgence.

ps--we unpacked some new stuff on saturday--come see!
pps--did i get some cool stuff at ARTifacts on saturday!?! you need to go see the new things our vendors have added. i need to get up there more frequently!


  1. Interesting illustration there, Paige. I'm hoping your procedure was a little more pleasant than that? Hope you are recovering quickly. Get some rest.

  2. Love the hilarious print. I imagine it takes a hammer to make you behave sometimes.

    If you and Kendall need someone to haul some of your crew or feed you, let me know. I'm happy to help.
