
Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Lots and lots to share.

First, I've got some news. I had a great day last Thursday. I was going about my Thursday business (a quick check-in at the shop, then to WJZM to record our weekly radio show), then on my way back to the shop I got the call. I have been selected by Country Business (a "to the industry" magazine) to put together a display of merchandise they will provide. They'll come and photograph the display we arrange and write a story about Hodgepodge! Now, I wish I could tell you that this article will appear in a magazine that you'll be able to pick-up on the newsstand near you, but that will not be the case. This magazine is available by subscription to those in the retail business. Regardless, I'm downright giddy! One of two businesses chosen! So, color me happy--I'm the queen of retail (if only for a moment . . . and in my own mind).

(It was painful to take, then select, then post this self-portrait. I admire those who have their pictures all over their blog/facebook. I just can't get there. Self-deprecating, I hope not . . . I know I don't look at others so critically . . .)

Second, Art Walk is this Thursday. I'll be hosting Tammy Dohner, an extremely versatile artist, at Hodgepodge. She will bring a collection of her photographs to share. This show will be focused on architecture as her subject matter. Tammy and I have been trying to get our schedules together for a while now, so I'm very excited to finally be showing her work. Don't forget to visit ARTifacts: an arts & antiques emporium during Art Walk, too. They're hosting Kate Johnson, Elizabeth Klein and Jo Rhodes.

Third, we have a winner for the Stream of Consciousness & a Contest. The winner is kath@retromanticantiques. Kath, I'll contact you via email for your t-shirt size and preferred diffuser scent (they're all great!). Thanks again to all who participated. Keep in touch--I'll have another contest later this month.

Okay--I'll add some pics once I get to work (my laptop isn't finding my camera) and get this posted. Of course, this will all be transparent to you, as it'll be done.

I hope you all have a beautiful day.

Thanks for your indulgence.

Ooh, ooh ooh! The boxes of merchandise for the contest arrived today, before I got this blog posted! I haven't opened them yet--not sure I want to know what's in there . . . wish me luck!


  1. Congratulations, Paige! I'm not surprised at all. Can't wait to see what you do. :~)

  2. Paige - that is wonderful. I can't wait to see what you do. You come up with so many great ideas.

  3. That is some great news. I need to stop by and pick your brain for some ideas. I can't wait to see how it turns out. I'm sure it will be fantastic.

  4. So excited to have won the Blog contest! I can't wait to get my t- shirt and diffuser. Now if I could just figure out a way to get to your shop....I'll have to settle for your great site in the mean time.Oh and congrats on the magazine recognition. thanks, kath
