
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

stream of consciousness & a contest

Christmas is ordered! (Sometimes I can't remember where I am.) I still haven't received my Spring/Easter shipment, but Christmas '09 is ordered. J'Anne, my wonderfully fun sales rep from Seasons of Cannon Falls, came to the shop today to help guide me through the 300 plus page catalog. I know this is a load off of your mind--so I'm glad I finally got this done! I'm preparing to peruse the Colonial Candle catalog she left with me--oh my gosh, the new scents are amazing! I'll try to get them in the shop ASAP.

Now, for confession of a shopkeeper. I have to admit I've become a bit of a candle/fragrance snob. I didn't mean to do it. Believe me when I tell you I use to scoop up the seasonal candles in the laundry aisle at the commissary, proudly flourishing those coupons I had clipped for them. So now, here I am, a jaded and cynical shopkeeper.
(I guess I can say "good-bye" to a lot of potential home invites I may have otherwise received . . .)
Okay, she's a shopkeeper, she just trying to unload her inventory . . . you're darn right I am. Yet, I do have a less selfish reason to introduce this topic. My point is this, if it's important to you that your home smell nice, you may want to consider upgrading to a quality diffuser or candles. Knowing that we process much of our experience through our olfactory system makes me think about how things smell--a lot.Smells remind us of our first love (Jovan Musk), our favorite teacher (Polo), our summer vacation (cotton candy and beach) and our best friend's house (European cooking). How do you want your house remembered? Like an aisle in WalMart or like a summer vacation?

How about you? Do you have a favorite candle or diffuser? You know I love my Archipelago Botanicals candles/diffusers (Bergamont Tobacco and Burl Wood, to be specific), but I love the new scented candles I'm getting from Colonial Candle. They might win me over! I know the price will--$14 for the 12.5 oz. and only $7 for the new 4 oz. size. The scents you can look forward to? Platinum Pearl, Lemon Leaf & Olive and Sandcastle. I'll also be restocking the classic 8 & 10" classic straight candles with some lovely new colors.

Just for the record, my first ever AB diffuser--the one I set-up in my entry way in Feb of 08, just gave out. The oil is gone, but it still smells great. So, don't think of it as a $40 smell good thing. Think of it as an "memory investment."

I'm also poring over several other catalogs getting ready for the rest of the year.

My favorite vendor:

As so much of the world focus in on our "failing economy" one might think I'd lay-off the orders for a while. Call it crazy. Call it irresponsible. Call it"she has no idea what she's doing." I think I'll call it optimistic. (Keeping that glass half-full.) Really, I have given this some thought. Here's my big prediction for 2009: I think you're going to spend a little more time at home this year. I think you'll invite friends over for get-togethers. I think you'll spend money on your house, rather than a big vacation. On activities close to home rather than summer camps. On creating memories with friends and family. Of course, I think that sounds a lot like last year and the year before that, as well as many years to come!

So what's different? You tell me. Are you making any decorating plans for the year ahead? Do you think you'll make any big changes or just little ones? Do you update/tweak your furnishings and accessories frequently or every 10 years--something in between? (I feel a contest coming on . . .)
So here it is the first contest of 2009 for Hodgepodge bloggers. All you need to do is add your comments to this blog, sharing some of your plans for your home for 2009. (I'll randomly choose a winner from all entries.) What's in it for you? An original design "Femme de Junque" long sleeve, vintage feel t-shirt . . . but wait! That's not all! You'll also receive an Archipelago Botanicals diffuser in a fragrance of your choice. Together, we're talking a nearly $60 value! I think that's worth a few minutes of your time. But I'll let you decide. (By the by, I'll ship to you, so don't let distance prevent you from participating.)

I hope to hear from you. Tell your friends about my blog and this contest--tell your friend to mention you in their comments and I'll enter your name again for referral! YessirreeBob! You read that right! Don't be selfish.

Thanks for your indulgence.



  1. Home decorating for 2009: Lots of books, movies and board game(most of which are on our bookshelf already), magazines such as Romantic Homes and Hallmark, candles, sweet treats, and lots of laughter. That how I plan to decorate home for 2009.

  2. Our home plans for '09 are fairly simple. First I'd like to find the windows that I know to exist behind racks and boxes of outgrown clothing and toys in my office. Then I'd like to continue making the basement more inhabitable. Lastly, assuming the children are less destructive later in the year, turn their bedroom into a place more suited to their personalities, now that they can voice their opinions. I think the "institutional" grey walls with only their beds and dresser could use some work!
    On a side note, we will probably be in this week to check out the "memory investments" you offer, Sandcastle sounds PERFECT for my eldest daughter's beach themed bedroom.

  3. Paige! You know I need to finish painting the inside of my house! The living room is next, and then my son and daughter want their rooms done. One thing I really want to do this year is make a new slip cover for my wonderful couch! I love the one that's on it, but I want to make something with lighter colors. Furthermore - you know I am a housekeeper, but have no time to clean my own house, so I hate to say it, but I am going to try and declutter as much as possible! However, this just means that I am going to be extra choosy with the few decorative items I do place in my home - candles are definitely a must have! Pretty and functional, that's what I'm going for this year!

    Great blog - like always:)

  4. i'm trying to figure out how to comment on each entry, but having no luck. i guess i need to do it as i process each of the comments. anyhoo, in spite of my technological challenges, i do appreciate my readers.
    so thank you guys for your comments.
    i'll annouce a winner on saturday.

  5. Ok, Paige you asked for it. This year I plan to add 4 new/old,used wardrobes chosen from all over England. I plan to add a sideboard for linens some 2 bookshelves (I will always kick myself that I did not buy the white chicken coop from Hodgepodge before we left...its one of those times you know you will regret it but your trying to be good-its never worth being good!) I'm still looking for the ultimate chair covers for my dinning room table, I'm looking for a set of stoneware for company-which I think I found: then a trip to Poland for a set of Polish pottery for everyday dishes. I am always in search of place mats with matching napkins.
    I am still looking for fun Holiday decorations but I don't want stuff that is so blatant. I like the more subtle non denominational stuff.
    My bed can always use new additions, lacey pieces and toppers. I hope to do some sort of gardening in this new place and see what grows as a family project. I could go on and on...but lunch time calls. Thanks Paige for giving me a place to write it all down.

  6. Charlene,
    If there is anyone I believe can accomplish such a daunting list--it's you! I only wish you were here to make your purchases at Hodgepodge! (Mainly because I have always enjoyed helping you hunt for your heart's desire.)
    It was great to hear from you--it's cool knowing I have a reader in England!
    Take care and keep in touch.

  7. All of these were so much fun to read! Charly, you are an inspiration!

    This year I would really like to work on my back porch. I am always keeping an eye out for unique outdoor pieces that could come together to form a cozy setting for cookouts and evenings outside once the weather turns nicer.

    I still would like to get the children's room painted and organized. Our office/sewing room needs shelving and organization for my growing stash of fabric and notions.

    We need a new stove too. I'm holding out on the gas range until we get our dream home, but I could really use an upgrade. The burners don't always come on, and sometimes they even cut out while in use. So frustrating!

    I'll have to check out the new fragrances the next time I'm in. :~)

  8. jennifer,
    you're doig a great job with your new house. i'd love to see what you did with the laundry room. maybe it's on your blog--i'll check archives.
    i'd love to help you plan that back yard porch.

  9. We are hoping to gut the kitchen. Not as expensive as it dad is going to make all the cabinets. kath

  10. The kitchen needs a new floor and it needs to be painted. Otherwise my goal is really just to keep it clean and organized, the whole house that is....

  11. what kind of flooring options are you considering?
    I can't decide--it's making me crazy.
    Thanks for commenting

  12. Paige - it is really going to depend on when the floor gets done. Of course I'd love to go with 'greener' options but we have dark cherry cabinets, adding more wood in the form of bamboo might be overload. Jeff's been using plank vinyl and promises to bring home some samples in a 'wood' finish and a 'tile' finish and I like that if there is damage only one plank needs to be replaced. Something better than the torn up vinyl that is there. We haven't really delved into options yet, too many variables up in the air.

  13. I have been formulating my answer for a bit now. I was going to talk about what I want to see done in my kitchen and bathroom - especially the floors in both rooms. I painted the nasty tile floors a couple years ago in hopes that I could do something nicer later on. Well-that was a good temporary fix and now I need something more long term. I heard an idea about having quality plywood floors stained and poly-urethaned giving a totally different kind of flooring idea. I can do that - the idea I heard about was in a brand new house, but the owner wanted to make it look old, so she ripped up her new floors and painted plain old plywood down, painted it and distressed it for the aged look. Tempting. I will keep thinking on that idea. I need to do something cuz it is UGLY in there!

    I think I should probably figure out how to finish up that old ceiling tin in my living room too. Got to be some way I can finish that up.


  14. I found it!! Yes, thank you Paige for directing me to the right spot. I have been following you wonderful blog on email but will now be sure to look for it on your blog also. I leaving a spot on my T-giving table for these lovely pumpkins.
