
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Vintage Inspiration and a disclaimer

Alrighty, I love using the Windows Live Writer software to construct my blogs.  It’s much easier to manipulate than blogger and has more features, but—for the second time—after a full day of working on my blog, as time and customers allowed, I went to upload to blogger and


it’s gone!

So, now I’m wondering if I type out the whole thing again or just post some pictures and link to Vintage Inspiration Friday, as is my final intent.

Oh, what the heck—I’ll paraphrase.

I started yesterday’s now-lost-post with a disclaimer:

Warning:  this blog is written by a shop owner

I just want to make it clear that I own a shop (two, actually) and, as a consequence, I sell stuff.  Yet, I feel compelled to explain:   just because I often include items which are part of my inventory here at the shop in my blogs, does not mean I’m trying to hawk my wares with every post.  It just means I have a thought or an idea or just something pretty to share.  Also, there are many blog parties out there and I want to play, too. 

I am here at my shop more of my waking hours than at my home.  I have filled it with items I love and, frankly, I spend more time decorating and cleaning my shop than I do my home.  (I’m afraid to know how quickly my family would agree to that last sentence!)  I put  a lot of myself  into Hodgepodge, I want to share.

I feel compelled to mention this because I just started my Hodgepodge Blog Boutique.  Occasionally, I’ll provide a link to items for sale, but you won’t find any “buy now” buttons on this blog.  I sometimes feel guilty for sharing items I have for sale.  Therefore, please don’t read this like a sales pitch.  Just enjoy the stories and the pictures and, if you like what you see, leave a comment. 

Now that I have that out-of-the-way, let me share a few things I love and feel are Vintage Inspired, then hop on over to Common Ground to see other awesome bloggers and their vintage inspirations!

Some vintage inspired furniture for your consideration:

feb 2011 060

This cabinet is a wonderful mix of vintage and new materials.  They’re made by a friend who lives here in TN.  He uses salvaged windows for the doors, so they’re great for displaying everything from china to bath towels!  I’d love to have one for my cookbook collection, but alas, I would have to add an addition to my kitchen!  The black interior of this cabinet makes it ideal for display white ware, but that green really pops, too!

feb 2011 062

This is a cabinet top from a vintage kitchen cupboard.  It’s one of those things that Patty and I thought wouldn’t be in the shop very long—mainly because WE love it.  Yet, here it sits, which makes me happy, because I love using it for display.  It' has the original hardware and glass in the doors.  The black trim and cream paint are worn in all of the appropriate places!

feb 2011 063

Look at the wear on this door . . . I wonder how many times someone’s mother reached for the door to retrieve the flour or sugar?

feb 2011 065

Now we’ve all seen those end tables constructed from the old sewing machine base—usually topped with a piece of plywood or marble.  (I have a marble topped one as my nightstand.)  This one is special because it’s married with an enamel table top!  It’s a nice large surface—great for a small dining table or even better as a desk or craft table!

vintage inspired 001

And then there’s my favorite of favorites . . . our screen door cupboard.  The sides are made from a paneled wood door—cut in half.  The back and shelves are constructed from salvaged boards.  Then there is a screen door.  I think it would make an ideal pantry for a kitchen lacking storage, but for now it can stay right here at Hodgepodge, because I love it.

Well, there you have it.  A few vintage things that inspire me every time I walk through the door of Hodgepodge—my home away from home!

Don’t forget to pop over to Common Ground for more inspiration!

Thanks for your indulgence!




  1. Hi Paige, I'm so glad you linked up, I'd love to have you every week! We're all looking for inspiration, what better place than from a shop owner, so don't feel funny about sharing your great inventory. Happy to have you. Come link up on Thursday evenings!

  2. Yay for a kitchen additon LOL!

    Your favorite cabinet is mine too.
    That sewing machine tabletop is large! It would be a nice kitchen table.

  3. What great pieces! I would love for this snow to melt so I can make my way back up to Clarksville. Hope you are well.

  4. Great pieces! Will be so glad when this snow melts away so I can make my way back up to Clarksville. Hope you are well.

  5. Gorgeous inspiration Paige! I love your shop and hope to visit again soon. I love to read about all your adventures, especially those related to your lovely boutique. So please keep sharing! Thanks too for your sweet comment on my blog!
