
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

In Defense of Pollyanna

Last week, via a facebook post, I read a blog entitled Defending Pollyanna by Paige Hill.  Paige (aside from being blessed with a fabulous moniker) is the very talented internet marketing manager for Where Women Create and The Creative Connection.  (She is obviously very good at her job, because she’s got me  and about a billion other women following her every utterance on facebook, as well as her blog.)

Anyhoo, she put out a call-to-arms in defense of Pollyanna, so I grabbed my rose colored glasses and jumped right in!  (okay—so my jumping took a week, but I’m here!)

(Image Source Page:,%20Hayley-Annex.htm)

I don’t recall if I’ve been called “Pollyanna” any more recently than my arrival here in Clarksville, but the nom de guerre has been thrown at me on numerous occasions and I don’t think it was always intended as flattery!

(Image Source Page:

But here’s the deal—I’d rather my epitaph read “she believed and she tried” rather than “she thought about it, but figured it probably wouldn’t work.”


I admit I have my days when everything appears dreary and insurmountable, but guess what—a new day dawns and things look better.  Believing in the power of your dreams isn’t just good advice—it should be your way of life.

There will always be people telling you you can’t do something or that things will never change.

(Image Source Page:

If I had listened to the naysayers, I wouldn’t be living in my dream house, I wouldn’t be the owner of the best home decorating store in Clarksville, TN, (I wouldn’t be so humble), I wouldn’t be married to my wonderful husband and I wouldn’t have three amazingly bright and talented children, because everywhere along the way I’ve been told it couldn’t be done  . . . the odds are not in my favor . . . or there’s no happily ever after anymore.

Guess what? 

She believed and she tried!

Thanks for your indulgence~



  1. Oh Pollyanna, you are the bestest and a role model!! No doubt about that shop being the best as well...awesome! I must go meet the blogger who inspires everyone....

  2. Infectious Optimism...... It's truly the better way to LIVE your life.Pollyanna is alive in you !!!

  3. Wonderful post, Paige... I love it. Love the statement: Believing in the power of your dreams isn’t just good advice—it should be your way of life.

    We do need to dream --and we need to follow those dreams... We can do most anything in this ole world that we set our minds to.... We just have to BELIEVE.

