
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

chalkboard project—a quickie!

well, if I’m getting a project done these days, it’s going to have to be “a quickie!”  and, if truth be told, this project took me entirely too long, but life keeps getting in the way of my need to create.  oh well, a busy life is a good life (it means we are all healthy and active).

back to the project at hand . . .

I know I’ve mentioned my love for silverware—especially trays.  Sometimes, however, the finish too far gone to salvage.  I had this tray hanging in the dining room, but decided it was the ideal candidate for some chalkboard paint!  (I know, I’m getting a little carried away with this paint—note my only other project in recent memory—but it’s so cool!)

I’m not going to bore you with the step-by-step of this project, as that would be insulting to your intelligence!  Suffice to say, a caveman could do it!

Here’s a tight shot of the tray in question, pre-paint:

tray pre-CB

And here’s a shot of the tray as it looks now—back in it’s position on the wall of our dining room:

tray CB 1

I asked my son for a quote to put on the tray, he gave me this:

tray CB

To myself, I said, “How apropos to my life right now!”

When I asked him who said it, he slapped his head and said, “Oh, what’s his name?!?  It’s  . . . it’s that guy, the ‘father of transcendentalism’ . . . you know . . . what’s his name?”

All I could think was, “I wish I had paid better attention in school!”  My kids challenge me like this all of the time!  How come they’re so dang smart?!?

Thanks for your indulgence!



  1. Oh! I'm loving what I'm seeing....clever girl...but you're right...even smarter boy you got there!

  2. hobgoblins! how funny! yeah, i'm like him not remembering the name of that transcendentalist guy LOL.
    but I love the project!!! looks great in there :)

  3. I think chalk board paint could come up with endless possibilities.
    I'm particulaly loving the one at Playful Learning where they painted wooden blocks.
