
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Incident of the Mirror

Any day now. I received his email this afternoon advising that he'll be arriving as early as Wednesday evening. Oh my goodness! So, like any good wife, preparing to see her husband for the first time in months, I immediately leapt into action.

Patty was at the shop with me, so I told her--as I was unable to focus after receiving the news--that I was going to head home to get some "cleaning" done. So when I got here, what did I do? Started painting the sink cabinet in my bathroom. Oh so necessary the day before my husband returns home from Iraq.

I don't think I shared the recent mirror incident with you, so I'll do that now. It'll provide a little insight as to why I'd tackle such an obscure project when there is so much else to do. (I mean other than the obvious excuse . . . I avoid the work I dread with any viable alternative.)

The bathroom mirror incident . . .

I was at work when I received the call, "Mom," said my youngest, "I've got something to tell you and . . . it's not good." After a little more drawn-out drama, I am able to expunge the following information: they (the kids) heard something in the house fall, but after a cursory recon of the house ("cursory" being a generous), they determined they were just hearing things and went on about their business. Until, someone had the need to enter my bathroom, where they found broken mirror and a bathroom filled with water. It would appear that, as the mirror freed itself from the wall, it hit the spigot and the water proceeded to flow into the sink--into the perpetually clogged sink. Broken glass in water . . . delightful.

What was truly delightful, however, was the fact that Hunter had most of it cleaned-up by the time I got home.

So, the broken mirror necessitated the purchase of a new set of mirrors for the bathroom. No, I could not reuse the homemade contraptions--they should have never been hung, but they were the mirrors that came with the house. Who would think to take them down and check their construction? Certainly, not I. As it turned out, they were made from basic trim moulding and hung with eye screws and a wire more appropriate for a 5x7 family photo than a 15 pound mirror.

I have been planning to paint this thing for years. Until now, the sink base in question has been another of those unfortunately stained that orange-y oak stain I dislike--as referenced in an early blog. I have considered the same blue used on the wardrobe in that same earlier blog, but didn't want to take away from the unique look of the wardrobe. I decided to venture to Lowe's for some paint swatches, but left with a gallon of the ideal color for the sink base. Another "oops" paint find! Good fortune.

The painting is done and almost all of the new hardware is attached. One new mirror is hung. I need another mirror to insert in the frame I chose. I'll tell you, having the ability to choose any frame I like for my projects is liberating, yet cumbersome. So many choices makes the decision process a little daunting.Decision made, I ordered two custom frames and one beveled mirror. I didn't realize the mirror I already had--the one that didn't fall--had only a half-inch bevel. The new mirror has a beautiful, impressive one-inch bevel. What a difference a quality mirror makes! This new mirror makes the other look like a fun house mirrors.

I'll post a picture when it's complete.

Thanks for your indulgence

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear that Darren is coming home for a little RnR.
    Can't wait to see pictures of the finished product, I always love what you do!
