
Monday, November 26, 2007

do over

I've spent nearly a week trying to upload the post I started before Thanksgiving--to no avail. I'm not sure if it's user error or what, but my connection keeps timing out.

I can't even remember what I was writing about. I'm sure I had included comments about our plans for "black Friday;" about our open house event last Sunday; about Thanksgiving plans.

Well, now that all of that is passed, let me just revisit some of these topics.

Our Annual Downtown Clarksville Open House was a huge success! We had a record number of Sunday shoppers--not a difficult mark to achieve, as we're not usually open on Sundays! Really, it was a good day. It's wonderful to hear the kind comments about our decorating efforts; about the inventory we've selected and carefully arranged; about ideas and inspiration achieved. Thanks to those of you who made the trip downtown--especially those who ventured into Hodgepodge.

Then there was "black Friday." I just heard a report on NPR which stated that the term "black Friday" has only recently become common terminology outside of the the retailing world. It became commonly referred to about the same time as "cyber Monday" joined our everyday language. The ideas are different, just unique to retailers--"black Friday" applying to brick-and-mortar stores; "cyber Monday" applying to virtual stores. Hodgepodge has recently entered the realm of "cyber boutiquing," so I'll be interested to see how Monday pans out for sales. I'll tell you, however, I'll take the brick-and-mortar business over cyber reality any day-twice on Fridays!

Thanksgiving was wonderful. I spent the day in the kitchen, preparing the annual favorites. I really love cooking and have very little time to dedicate to menu planning and prep any more. So days like Thanksgiving, which are set-aside for family, friends and food, are welcomed! I used to spend a month thumbing through cookbooks and magazines for new recipes, but have become reliant on the old standards. Kendall and Ryleigh came early and helped me prepare. Kendall made her first apple pie--receiving rave reviews and many requests for seconds. Terry and Bellamy joined us later for dinner. Then Taylor and Chuck dropped in to watch us eat--they had already enjoyed dinner with Taylor's mom. It was a wonderful day. I am so blessed.

Today, I'll be heading out to help Judy decorate her house, running back to take over the shop from Kendall, then back to the house to host our journal making event!

Well, that wraps it up. I hope to be able to post this and I promise another note tonight.

Thanks for your indulgence!

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