
Friday, November 16, 2007

Did I turn off the lights?

As I was locking up and looking back into the shop last night, I had to double-check to ensure I had turned off the lights--it's so bright in there! The lovely glow is thanks to the 3,000 little white lights illuminating the scene. Then there's the windows! The shop is really standing out on the street--especially last night when the street lamps were still off (they were repairing/replacing the lights on First Street, so ours have been off for a couple of weeks).
I hope many of you are planning to join us downtown for our Holiday Open House event on Sunday. We'll be open noon - 6 pm. Hodgepodge will have refreshments and special opportunities to win one of four $25 gift certificates.
Here are a few pictures of the process--well, maybe not, my buttons to add photos are gone! ARGH! I've been trying to edit this for about thirty minutes. WhooHoo! Success.

The "upload photos" option has magically appeared and I'm able to save changes. Now remember, these are pictures of the process--not the finished product. More the "storm" than the "calm." We had fun--in spite of the hard work. Enough explanation--here are the pics!
Thanks for your indulgence!

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