
Friday, May 31, 2013

Blackberries and book folding

book fold all
I’ve been thinking about having some girlfriends over for dinner and a creative activity, but couldn’t manage to put the plans together.  On Tuesday, I had the thought that I really want to put together a window display in support of the Clarksville Writers Conference.
Quickly, the thoughts converged and I sent out a quick facebook message asking a few friends to join me to dinner and book folding.  As the request was last minute and people tend to make plans in advance, I was only able to entice a few to join me. 
So, thanks to Taylor, Kate, Kendall and Hunter for helping me create a substantial creative display for our windows at Hodgepodge.  If you’re in downtown Clarksville, I hope you stop by to see. 
If you want to learn more about the conference, visit their website here.

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I’ve written another blog about using vintage books in your decorating, as well as page/book folding; I am really drawn to the artistic qualities they offer.  I encourage you to try one on your own.
I recently found this blog with some great patterns and tutorials on the craft.  Click the picture for a link to the blog.
book folding image
Oh, I almost forgot the “blackberry” reference in the title of this blog . . .
Just in case you’re thinking, “Note to self—don’t accept an invitation to spend an evening of creativity with Paige.  She will work me like a dog just to get her windows decorated!”  Let me entice you with a photo of the platter of appetizers I offered . . .
Sure, I overcooked the steak for the salads, but with this platter at the center of the table, I believe I was forgiven for the hard labor and burnt steak!  (A special thanks to Amy for sending me a link to the recipe—it arrived in my inbox yesterday morning!  The moment I saw it I knew I would be fixing it for my friends.  I will share the recipe later.)
One, very important thanks I neglected to mention earlier is for our son, Haedyn. He cleaned-up the dinner dishes and regaled us with his multitude of talents all the while we created book art.
Thanks for your indulgence!

1 comment:

  1. I love creative get togethers and you have inspired me to organise another one soon, though maybe I'll just settle for a couple of nibble platters he heh.
