
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

nov 28th

So much to share, so little time to write about it . . . let’s just say I am:grateful mantel
I am reminded each year at this time—when I am so busy at the shop I don’t know where I am or where I am going most of the time—that I am so blessed.
This year I am exceptionally grateful for my husband.  I mean, I am always grateful for him—okay, not always, but I should be.  His dedication to our family—in particular, to me is evident in all he does.  He is a man who will always do whatever it takes (as long as it is not “illegal, immoral or unethical”) to provide for his family.  He served in the US Army for 22 years, retiring 1 1/2 years ago in the hopes of finding a little more time with us, yet the fall of 2012 finds him overseas again. 
He makes countless sacrifices so we can have not what only what we need, but what we want.  He has supported my shop keeping folly for eight years now;  he supports (mostly) my volunteer efforts to revitalize our downtown; he supports me and my love for this old house.  He simply supports me—which is why, I guess, I am spending this holiday season without him. 
I miss coming home to him.  I miss sharing the events of my day with him.  I miss laughing with him.  I miss dancing with him.  I am grateful for my husband, my life partner and my best friend.
today, we celebrate 25 years of marriage.

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