
Friday, November 30, 2012

december resolutions

This time of year, things are so crazy busy, I rarely have time to just sit and think.  I am running from the house, to the shop, to errands and to my daughter’s activities.  To most people, it is “the holiday season,” but to small business owners, it’s “the fourth quarter;” make it or break it time, especially for retailers.  So, I feel like I’ve got to constantly be doing something—something for the shop, decorating around the house or chasing to the grocery store . . . something.  Although—I am not sure why I am using the limiting language of “this time of year.” 

The “lack of time” has increasingly become a singular theme of my life.  This does not make me happy.  I need to do something about that—if only I could find the time . . . 

One thing I really miss doing is visiting my favorite blogs and writing my own.  I don’t have allow myself the time to visit blogs let alone write my blog.

I miss it—the great stories I read, the ideas I glean and the inspiration I find.  I miss sharing my own thoughts, ideas and plans.  Plus, in a strange way, blogging holds me accountable.  If I say I’m going to do something—write it in my blog—I feel like I have to follow through; even though no one is paying attention, I feel like I’ve made a promise and I need to keep it.

So, right now, a month earlier than most resolutions are announced, I promise to myself, if no one else, to write down my ideas, plans, et al.  Not only that, but I will follow through with my intentions.  I’ll do it here, as I once did, on my blog—my public journal.  If you’re a reader, I’d love to hear from you, but I definitely understand if I don’t. 

I’ll be doing it for me, but perhaps you are feeling the same as I and will find, in me, a kindred spirit.  Perhaps you will be encouraged by me the same way I am encouraged by my favorite bloggers; maybe my efforts to carve-out some time for the things I enjoy will inspire you to do the same.  Whatever your reason for checking-in here, please let me know if you have any ideas for my attempts to make these changes in my life.  I am always up for new ways of doing things.  I can learn to suck eggs a new way.

Here are a few of the blogs I plan to catch-up on . . .

blissidydoodah banner




na-da farm banner                                              

chateau relaxo

(the above pic is a link to the blog:  Chateau Relaxo)

Thanks for your indulgence!


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

nov 28th

So much to share, so little time to write about it . . . let’s just say I am:grateful mantel
I am reminded each year at this time—when I am so busy at the shop I don’t know where I am or where I am going most of the time—that I am so blessed.
This year I am exceptionally grateful for my husband.  I mean, I am always grateful for him—okay, not always, but I should be.  His dedication to our family—in particular, to me is evident in all he does.  He is a man who will always do whatever it takes (as long as it is not “illegal, immoral or unethical”) to provide for his family.  He served in the US Army for 22 years, retiring 1 1/2 years ago in the hopes of finding a little more time with us, yet the fall of 2012 finds him overseas again. 
He makes countless sacrifices so we can have not what only what we need, but what we want.  He has supported my shop keeping folly for eight years now;  he supports (mostly) my volunteer efforts to revitalize our downtown; he supports me and my love for this old house.  He simply supports me—which is why, I guess, I am spending this holiday season without him. 
I miss coming home to him.  I miss sharing the events of my day with him.  I miss laughing with him.  I miss dancing with him.  I am grateful for my husband, my life partner and my best friend.
today, we celebrate 25 years of marriage.

Monday, November 12, 2012

it takes a Friendly Village

This is my second attempt, in as many days, to write a blog post.  I actually wrote one, but it turned so long and pathetic, I decided to  trash it and start over.

I have, instead, decided to share the best part.

On Saturday, in between all of the “have to” stuff, I decided to make a run to one of my favorite antique shops.  It was actually a “have to,” too, because I was looking for the some props for my window display.  I plan to hang the plate rack I painted at The Hayloft and I was trying to decide what would look best displayed on it.  Then I thought of my favorite dishes.  Sure, I could have used something I already had in inventory, but where’s the fun in that?!?

I’ve decided to transition my window from fall to Christmas the week of Thanksgiving.  I mean, it’s bad enough that I already have five fully decorated Christmas trees!  Anyhoo, the plans for the windows are coming together and they will involve:

pedigo's loot

Anyone who knows me, knows of my affinity for Johnson Brothers Friendly Village.  It is the pattern I use to set my tables for any event from November through February.


dinner plates

I bought 8 more dinner plates, cereal bowls and bread & butter plates.

square salad

Those square salad plates . . . my first!  Love them.


A box full of a variety of loot.  The Pilgrim’s Progress book is for my personal collection—it’ll be part of my Thanksgiving display at the house.


turkey platter

Love this turkey platter with gold trim.  The beauty of Friendly Village is the variety of color mixed with the fact that it doesn’t have a Christmas specific theme, but the snowy scenes imply the holidays.  The blue  trim on this platter will blend quite well.



The mugs are a first, too.  I’ve never had them before. 

Well, there you have it.  The beginnings of a winter window . . .

Thanks for your indulgence.
