
Thursday, June 14, 2012

a mossy recreation

Yesterday, I posted about a new “room” at Hodgepodge.  Part of the décor we added is this cool new chandelier:


And I promised a little more information about so here we go . . .

It all started when Patty came across a picture of a display in one of our numerous magazines.  (We were trying to remember where we had seen it, but couldn’t come-up with anything definitive—it was about a year ago that she found it.)  She showed me the idea and I swear I went looking for a candidate chandelier that very day!

I found the vintage fixture pictured below that very day, but didn’t create the moss covered beauty you see above until yesterday!

Here’s how I started:

1.  First, I fired-up the glue gun.  While that was warming, I started tearing sheet moss into strips.

moss fixture 1

2.  Then I started gluing—carefully!  The moss isn’t much of a heat barrier between the hot glue and your fingers.

moss fixture 2

3.  I decided not to do the inside of the fixture—it would have lost some of it’s definition.  I did do the ceiling cap, though.

moss fixture 3

4.  The finished mossy chandelier!

moss fixture 4

5.  Here you can see a shot of the ceiling cap—the finishing touch it needed!

moss fixture 5

I have not tried to light the fixture—the wiring appears fine.  I feel some very low wattage bulbs might be fine, but I would have to hook a wired extension to it.  For now, we’re enjoying it as is.  I just love the earthy presence it offers hanging there.  I may add a burlap sleeve over the chain, but again, I was in a hurry to get it hung so I could share it with you.

Below, is one more addition to the room we redesigned yesterday.  I found this vintage Woodpecker print by Basil Ede at a flea market sometime ago.  It is difficult for me to pass-up bird prints, but this is a large one and I love it.  It is clear, with no stains or other damage.  I had my picture framer daughter clean it and cut new mats, but we reinstalled it in it’s original frame.  I am thrilled with it.  I’ve propped it inside the opening of the mantel.

woodpecker print

I hope you enjoyed this post.  Please leave any comments or suggestions you may have about lighting my chandelier.

Thanks for your indulgence!


I’m linking to Vintage Inspired Friday at Common Ground.  Please go visit!

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  1. That is so awesome and I want to do it too! Fun for an outdoor party even with no light.

  2. Hi Paige, I adore this mossy light fixture. I've had a few of those to sell, but never thought of wonderful! thanks for linking, I'll be featuring this post on Vintage Inspiration tomorrow!
