
Monday, July 11, 2011

My Leaf Chronicle Article for June 29th

(So, here’s the next one . . . one more and we’re caught-up.)


Oh my gosh! I haven’t written my article! At least I’m ready, I set it up last week (good idea). Here goes . . .

Pamper yourself this summer—my tips:

1. After your morning work-out/walk/whatever, treat yourself to a cup of coffee and breakfast on your porch, patio or deck. It’s the best time of day for enjoying the outdoors. Generally speaking, even when we’re anticipating 90 degree temperatures, this is a decent time of day to be outside. There’s nothing like munching on your granola with the birds and squirrels. It also makes it easier for me to tolerate being inside the shop all day.

july 2010 tst 011

2. Once each week fill a dishpan with warm water, sprinkle in Epsom salts and a drop or two of peppermint oil for an at home pedicure soak. This is another great activity for the patio or deck, because you don’t have to worry about splashing water all over your carpet. Make sure you have a foot brush, pumice stone and other “foot maintenance” implements handy. Listen to music on that outdoor sound system or MP3 player and relax. Add some paint to your nails while you’re at it—you’ll feel like a new woman (or man—who am I to say?!?).


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3. I mentioned your morning work-out . . . if you haven’t included it in your regular activities; this is the perfect time to start. Summer schedules are little more relaxed and the daylight lasts longer. Get out and move. You know you need to—so get started. Indulge yourself with something good for you!

get out

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Then, just indulge yourself . . . have you made granita yet? This has got to be one of the easiest dessert treats, but especially so during the summer. I found this one for Coffee Granita online:



Combine all ingredients and stir until sugar melts. Pour mixture into 9 by 13-inch metal pan and place on level shelf in freezer for half an hour. (Mixture should only come about 1/4-inch up the side of the pan.) Remove and use a dinner fork to scrape any ice crystals that have formed on the side or bottom of the pan. Return to freezer and repeat scraping every 20 to 30 minutes for 3 to 4 hours. Once mixture is thoroughly frozen, fluff with a fork and allow flakes to "dry" in freezer another half hour before serving. When served, the granita should look like a fluffy pile of dry brown crystals.


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Scoop into goblets and top with barely sweetened whipped cream, add additional citrus zest if desired.

4. Schedule yourself a night off from complicated dinner preparations. Have at least one night each week when you serve a meal of cheeses, fruits and bread/crackers or something equally easy in the prep department. Clean-up will be extra easy, especially if the kids do it—which is my recommendation!


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How do you indulge yourself?

Thank you—for indulging me once more!


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