
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Southern Style

My latest opportunity to create something turned into an accidental creation of two things.

A while ago, Kendall helped me with a project for a group of Army spouses.  They were coming to the shop to hold their monthly meeting and wanted to work on a project as well.  Kendall had seen an idea for this:

fairy in jar

We made dioramas inside of canning jars.  The idea being that you’re giving the impression of having captured the subject of your diorama in a canning jar.  Cute!

Well, as I’m always trying to plan the next “how do they do that” project (although, I rarely actually find time to convene these classes—I do think about them!), I was trying to think of other projects or diorama themes we could produce.  I decided—in the interest of appealing display—to elevate the canning jars.

And thus was born—a truly accidental conception—the Southern Style wine glass! 

wine display 3

In honor of their birth place, I’ve given them names in honor of the rivers which converge here in Clarksville—the Red River red wine goblet and the Cumberland white wine glass.

Here’s the great display Jennifer arranged at Hodgepodge:

Jennifer moved them out of my laundry basket and arranged this great display . . .

wine display 2

Love that willow wrapped wine cooler!

wine display 5

Some visual aides—you can use them for any ole beverage of your choice, but we used Pinot Noir and Pinot Grigio!

wine display 6

Here’s a tight shot of the Cumberland White Wine glass.

wine display 8

The Red River Red Wine glass.

wine display 9

A table setting using the glasses and our melamine dinner settig 3

wine setting 1

wine setting 2

wine setting 4

I hope you enjoyed taking a look at Southern Style table setting using our new wine glasses.

Thanks for your indulgence.



  1. That is both genius and hilarious at the same time!!!
    What are people saying? :)

  2. Well, Auntie, they seem to love them. I've already sold quite a few.

  3. I love, love, love these!!!
