
Sunday, May 15, 2011

volunteering a little time for spring beauty

Spring is in the air and the flowers are in the planters—thanks to some wonderful volunteers.  This is what we we did Saturday morning:

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Our eldest daughter, Hunter, fresh off her freshman year at Austin Peay State University, woke-up early on a Saturday to help.


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Linda Shepherd, of Edward’s Steakhouse, and Anne Head, of Rogate’s Boutique, joined us in our beautification of Franklin Street and Strawberry Alley.


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Here’s my sister, Kendall Welsh, of ARTifacts, with Anne, trying to pretend there isn’t a dumpster behind them.


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One of my best.

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Helping Ryan Bowie, of The Roxy Regional Theatre, put the finishing touches on a planter.


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Did I get any pictures of anyone standing upright?


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Still not upright . . .


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The City of Clarksville usually fills the planters with flowers in late-April, but due to the winds and storms, they’ve been busy cleaning-up downed trees and flooded parks.  So, we struck a deal—the city provided the flowers and some extra dirt.  We provided the man-power (woman-power, too).

Thanks for your indulgence . . .



  1. Good job! I love seeing a sense of community among shop owners ... Not to mention the beautiful flowers.

  2. Well done guys, that is an awesome and proactive thing to do. Some lateral thinking and everyone benefits. I'm so proud of you.

  3. All this time I thought it was fairies or elves that did that!
    I'll be anxious to see them up close and personal soon. Seems I can't get down there!
