
Monday, April 18, 2011

a quick change at Hodgepodge

Finally getting something done!

Much to my chagrin, I finally sold a favorite cabinet at Hodgepodge.

It was made from a recycled paneled door, barn board and a screen door.

screen door cabinet  before


As well as a wonderful iron bed . . .

iron bed sale


With the restrictions of  a busy Rivers & Spires festival weekend, I needed to find a creative fix for some quick replacements.

For the bed, I remembered this maple, artichoke finial full bed I had in the back room.  Not being a big fan of the orange-y tint of maple, I was determined to get it painted before I put it on the floor.

maple bed before

maple bed before 1 

So, I pulled the head- and footboards out to the front porch area and started cleaning, sanding and cleaning again.  Then I reached for this beautiful shade of taupe paint.

Here’s how it looks now:

maple bed after

What a classic look, eh?

Then, to replace that wonderful cabinet . . .

What to do?  I love that thing—it held so much and offered such impact at the front of the shop.  Yet, it’s going to a good home and she was appropriately excited about it (I couldn’t let just anyone take it home!).  So, I took a look at the Acme boot factory racks I had just acquired and thought there it is!  They’ve been serving s my sidewalk sale carts, but this was a more important need.  They have a great urban design look.  After some quick repairs . . .

boot rack before


And here’s the boot rack, turned kitchen shelving:

boot rack after

Way cool, eh?


Well, that’s all I wanted to share today.  I just love the urban, industry look of these racks.

Any other ideas for how you would use this rack?  I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Thanks for your indulgence!



  1. Does you good to have a big shake up to rejuvenate your merchandising juices. Good spring energy. I was a bit frightened when I saw you about to paint the maple headboard but was really impressed with the result.

  2. Great job up-cycling ! love the old cart. Mine is setting in my garage , I have every intention of putting it to use in my pool house to load up with towels and flip flops and all the necessary pool toys . - I'm afraid mine won't be quite as adorable as yours !!

  3. Tanya--so glad it was able to pass muster! There are a lot of purest out there that can stand painted furniture--I understand! But the finish was already well-worn.
    and my other Tawnya--you can't fool me! we both know your pooolhouse cart will be darling!

  4. Wow wow wow!
    You sold that cabinet....youch, I know! And a bed congrats ...during Rivers and Spires!
    I LOVE the new setup...inventive and very enticing too.

    Happy Easter Paige!!

  5. Auntie--I miss it, but it did go to a good home. The sale actually took place prior to Rivers & Spires. You should come take a look at the new stuff!--Paige
