
Thursday, March 24, 2011

I scream, You scream--We all want an Airstream!

As promised, here I am, going against my own established rule—don’t use pictures in your blog that are not your own.  Yet, I cannot help myself.

I finally treated myself to some books by the amazing Sue Whitney with Ki Nassauer and/or Kimberly Melamed.  They are so very original and inspiring!

The book I’m referencing in this post is Junk Beautiful—Outdoor Edition.  In the pages of this incredible reference for all things repurposed and rusty I have found my goal . . . my purpose.

I’ve mentioned in a previous post my desire to own and renovate an Airstream trailer.  Thus far, my one opportunity to justify the purchase of one of these beauties was my husband’s brief jaunt to Ft. Leavenworth, KS for an Army course.  I thought he would love to live in an RV, rather than Army quarters. 



He countered with some statistics related to the Army post’s location being in the geographic location with the alternate moniker of “Tornado Alley.”  Yeah, well . . . what a weenie!  I figured, here’s a guy who has survived numerous  deployments, what’s the threat of the occasional twister?  Oh, alright—just think of yourself!

So, I’m still without an Airstream.

In the years since my failed pitch for a Silver Bullet, I feel like every blogger and her brother has a beautifully restored Airstream.  Then, Sue Whitney and Kimberly Melamed have to poke me in the eye with this:

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. . . we already have the Adirondack chairs!

Look at this:

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those picnic tables are incredibly uncomfortable as bench/tables—but it looks perfectly comfortable as a bed.

They wrapped it with rope (as seen in the photo below), but don’t stop there!  Look at the photo at the bottom!!!

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. . . my idea of perfect!

I think those wine riddlers would be happier holding wine, but that’s just me . . .

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All of the stuff on this page below—love it!

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One day . . . one day . . .

I promise . . . the next time I post pictures of an Airstream , they’ll be mine (my own pictures, at least!).

I’m going to link with Debra at Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday, because this post is all about vintage inspiration!


Thanks for your indulgence.



  1. Oh I adore airstreams too ~ swoon!

    I am currently hosting an auction of vintage and antique linen treasures. Stop by and take a peek.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. My favorite photo is that upside down picnic table made into a bed! I saw that salt and pepper shaker in the Adams schoolhouse antique mall. Today
    I hit the antique mall in Springfield with the two girls who got the gift cards to Hodgepodge...told them about the linens and so be looking for them :) they were excited.

  3. Wow Paige, you have ME convinced! But since I also live in tornado alley, guess I'll pass too, te he! Love all these great images, it looks like so much fun! Thanks so much for linking up for the VIF party,
    big hugs,
