
Sunday, January 9, 2011

what to do with 2011

A new year—full of possibilities!  I can’t even figure-out what to post on my blog.  Ever had one of those—okay, three of those weeks?  So I ventured into blogland for some inspiration.

I’ve felt kind of funky since my folks and sister, brother-in-law and their kids returned to Virginia.  I don’t know if it’s the lack of anything really big to plan for or look forward to (ie.: Christmas) or what, but I need to shake it. 

So, after finding a few blogs where folks are posting their “to do” lists, I’ve decided that I need to do the same.  (Perhaps making a list of potential projects will help me feel motivated.)  One blog author in particular decided to post her list on the sidebar, so she could see it every time she sat down to work on her blog.  If I can figure out how—I’ll do the same.

As I started brainstorming, I realized I can’t fit everything into one compartment.  I’ve got to break my Grand List into several mini lists.  I’ve got personal goals; goals for my household; and, goals for my business.  So, here goes . . .

household goals:

1.  finish our bedroom (Since our fire nearly a year ago, we’ve put the room back together, but I haven’t added the final touches.  I need to do that.)

2.  finish my creative space (I referenced “my space” in this post.  We finally cleared-out some of the stuff and moved-in my new work desk and shelves.  I need to add a heater, chair and a few other items.  I hope to make this my area to create.)

3.  the kitchen  (I just added a new chalkboard surface to outside of our pantry door—love it!  Still looking forward to some new appliances and countertops, but feel sure this will carry-over into 2012/13.  Still, I had to put it on the list.)

chalkboard door

4.  H3’s room  (She wants to paint it.  We finally relented and allowed her to trade-in her gorgeous antique twin beds we purchased in Germany for a “big girl bed”—her words, not mine.  Now she has a an antique iron bed, full size.  I probably need to replace the curtains, too.)

paint chips

5.  Speaking of curtains—the living room curtains need to be replaced.  The curtains we have came back from the cleaners about four inches too short.  This was after the fire—they cleaned everything!  Unfortunately, they laundered the dry clean only curtains.  It’s one of those things I just didn’t have the energy to follow-up on.  There may still be time—I should call our adjuster—she was wonderful!

6.  Back to the kitchen (While killing time in between H3 on the beam and her floor exercise, I was perusing home décor magazines and I had an epiphany!  I’ve noticed on many occasions that I haven’t made optimal use of my kitchen cabinets.  They are pretty much arranged in the same manner in which they landed while unpacking our household goods nearly 9 years ago.  Perhaps I should do some evaluating and rearranging.  If I do, I may be able to justify eliminating the current spice cabinet and junk drawers in order to make room for the  gourmet gas range I’m dreaming of.)



hodgepodge goals:

1. All I want for my shop is to be successful.  (My definition of success: to be able to help provide for the family.)

frying bacon

personal goals:

1.  see my goal for hodgepodge  ( I take it very personally.)

2.  to be the wife my husband deserves

3.  to be the mom my kids deserve

4.  to be the daughter my parents deserve

5.  to be the sister my sisters deserve

6.  to be the friend my friends deserve

7.  to be the faithful servant my God deserves

(Not necessarily in that order.)

So there you have it.  If I am able to accomplish the list above, 2011 will be a great year!  I’m thinking I need to start at the bottom and the rest will be cake . . .

Thanks for your indulgence!



  1. I love your pantry Chalkboard and the color of the walls in the kitchen! Your goals are wonderful and I hope that you reach them!!
    I wish your shop great success in 2011. I did want to ask if you got the shipment I sent to you I am starting to worry you did ot get it?

  2. Awwwww :) that came full circle :)

    You scramble your bacon too? :)
    I can't wait to see your home studio finished! It looks huge.

  3. Oh dear! . . . your list is daunting!!! I feel good about my own list now compared to yours! I'm going to stop biting my nails, write down what I've spent on a daily basis, and avoid fb till my homework is done!

    I read your newspaper article this morning (as I do every week, of course) I have some thoughts on organization, but they are too many to leave in this space, so maybe I will write a new blog of my own finally! (maybe blogging regularly should be added to my list? ha ha)

  4. I think you have great and very realistic goals you can do! You already do so much more than me on an average day...wish I had your energy! Happy New Year

  5. You know what, sometimes you just lose the blog mo-jo and you should be kind to yourself and go with the flow. Other times you feel bursting at the seams with news. It's happened to all of us at one time or another. And you know what else? Life is really like's not frenetic pace and excitement and it does ebb and flow. You could post just a simple photo of one of your gorgeous shop corners and I would be happy to visit just to look at it. Blogs are different things to many people. For me a blog is like a live streaming women's magazine - of the highest quality of course because I get to edit it! I have not bought a magazine in years (and Australasian Poultry magazine doesn't count)

  6. You can cross #5 on your personal goals off your list - you already fit the bill on that one perfectly

  7. And I think you've got the friend thing pretty down pat too. ;)

    I'm stealing your chalkboard paint idea for the stairwell. If it has to look messy up there, at least it can be INTENTIONALLY messy.
