
Monday, January 17, 2011

home again, home again

jiggidy, jig!

we’re back from the market and what a time we had!   as usual, we stayed with my cousin and had a wonderful time catching-up with her.

the highlight of this market trip, however, was spending some quality alone time with my husband.  since his return from iraq in nov, 2009, we’ve only had one night {alone} together.  we had some great meals, spent long hours together and visited with dear friends and family.  he was so supportive and helpful throughout the regular ordeal of the market, i  wouldn’t trade his company for anything else!  plus, he actually spotted a few items we made add to our inventory in the coming year. 

now, for the purpose of the weekend . . . shopping!

it took a while for me to get in the shopping groove—too much fun thursday night, meant a slow start on friday.  guess what?  the market and all of the vendors were still there and we were able to accomplish all four floors of the temporary vendors in bldg 3.  here are a couple things I found:

baby gifts:

crocheted wire jewelry:




velvet pumpkins:

I found a few potential vendors for handbags, but I’m not sure I should move back into that market.  this is a cute little carry-all (slightly larger than a wallet—hold cards, phone, change and more)your thoughts?

Super Case - NEW!



I only wrote a few orders.  I’ve already ordered Christmas décor for 2011.  You’re not going to believe the beautiful new collection from Midwest—Seasons of Canon Falls!



Unless you’ve been to one of these markets, you can’t imagine how overwhelming this event can be.  The pictures about show just one of the thousands of vignettes which assault the senses while at market.  The folks are the best of the best when it comes to design and display.  It takes days to come down.

So rather than write a bunch of impulse orders--I decided I want to reflect on all I saw.

In addition to the gift and personal items, I found some bed linens, accent furniture, throw pillows and large furnishings (sofas, dining chairs and more).

What are your thoughts?  What are you looking for?  Especially if you are in Clarksville—I’d like to hear from you.  What do you wish you could find at Hodgepodge?

It would be helpful . . .

Thanks for your indulgence!


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