
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

we're all fine . . . thanks!

Some "befores"

Some "afters"

those of you in my immediate, local circle of friends may already know, but in case you don't . . . rest assured we're fine.

and now . . . the rest of the story . . .

i was on my way to a client's house to discuss a framing project, when i received the call . . . "Mrs. King, this is the Clarksville Fire Department, we're calling to make sure everyone is out of the house."

me, "What? I don't understand--I'm not in my house, why are you calling?"

CFD, "We received a call from your neighbor--your house is on fire."

(me still processing)

"Wait--my whole family is there."

I don't remember any of the stop signs between Marion and Union Street.

(God protects fools . . )

I park and run to my house--I count three children, a dog and someone from law enforcement--no husband.

"Mama! Daddy's still in there--he won't get out!"

This is surreal and quite the de ja vu from our building fire last summer.

(Dear State Farm and Hartford, Please don't drop me. Please don't drop me. Thank you. Paige)

Enter the CFD--still no husband. About another eternity passes, then he emerges--sweaty, smooty and red--but he's there!

So there you go--the worst 20 minutes of my life.

As it turns out, it was an electrical fire (something about the wiring). Started at the outlet in the window seat. Caught the cushions, curtains and surrounding items on fire--traveled across the top of the room--you get the idea.

Darren is our hero--as always. His quick thinking found him subduing the flames with the kitchen fire extinguisher, then having Haedyn push the garden hose through the missing windows. If Darren hadn't been home; if it had started, even an hour, earlier; if Darren hadn't taken these extraordinary measures--our story would be greatly different--if . . .

So, again, so many things went right and we're thankful.

There was a lot of damage to our beautiful, historic home. We're feeling like failures as stewards for this 130 year old home. The good news, however, is that State Farm is going to make it right.

Our home was built by GB Wilson, he was the owner of the Sewanee Planing Mill. He used his home like a showcase for his clients to look at and determine which style windows and floors they wanted--consequently he laid different flooring in all of the rooms on the main floor.Also, the many of the windows are different styles and sizes. We had (had) all of the original windows and glass in the windows on the first floor.
Our adjuster said we would see it returned to the way it was--plaster ceiling medallion and all!

So, it would seems we have a long row to hoe, but all is right. It could always be worse, but I really don't like these little "perspective moments."

God is great!


  1. wow, glad everyone is ok.

  2. How scary for you and your family - So happy that you made it through fine - I'm with you on perspective moments - they are good to be on the backside of - but not particularly "during" -

  3. Hello
    Fiirst time to your blog and I am so sorry for your misfortune but than again I am so happy for your true blessings, glad you are all safe and sound.
