
Monday, October 26, 2009

the return of the KING

Our King has returned! Darren is home--he's safe and reasonably sound. Generally speaking, I don't focus on family for my posts here, but I can't help it. We're happy, we're relaxed, we're together.
First night home--we showed around to see some of the projects we had been working on. I'm sure I've mentioned how the patio Darren built is our favorite place to be. He had mentioned he'd like a new fire pit, so the kids and I built this one the week before he came home. We spent Saturday getting reacquainted around a warm fire.

Going through the bags he carried back from Iraq.

In his best Forrest Gump impression: "And then they gave me a bronze star . . . again."

Every military family believes they've got the hardest working, best soldier the Army/Navy/Marines/Air Force has ever produced and we're no different. We're proud of our soldier--so glad to have him home. We pray for the safe return of all of our service members. We also pray that President Obama continues to take his time to carefully exam the future plans for deployment of additional forces anywhere in the world. They aren't just "forces;" they're sons/daughters, husbands/wives, and dads/moms. This military spouse appreciates careful consideration where her husband is concerned.
Thanks to each of you for your support during his deployment.
Thanks, too, for your indulgence!


  1. I am so glad he is home! :) Nothing better then being a family again! Hope y'all have a wonderful Halloween :)

  2. Hello,
    I just found your blog through Artifacts, An Art & Antique Emporium and Spectacular Spectacular.
    I'm so excited to find bloggers in Clarksville, TN. We are homegrown Southern Californians and are relocating to Clarksville next summer. We are so excited to start our new adventure.

  3. Sandra,
    We already know (and count among our friends) some CA transplants who also found us through the blogs. Welcome, welcome! Can't wait to meet you. Going to check your link next. Thanks for commenting here.

  4. I love your soldier too! So happy he is home!
