
Monday, August 24, 2009

A not-so-Monday Monday

It was definitely a Monday . . . in a not-so-Monday way.

More boxes, no packing slips, and more bills than money . . . cool new inventory, great ideas for new displays, several decent sales.

A trailer I can't back into our driveway, fruit flies infesting our trash and a late gas & water bill . . . my beautiful new rug, a great phone conversation with JB* and two coats of paint on the once lavender colored wall.

Several calls from sales people, missed the mailman, a splinter way deep in my thumb . . . a great work-out at the Y, easy math homework and an email to my better half.

Thanks for your indulgence.

*the initials of a person who flattered me by listening to my incoherent ramblings while delaying her "krogering." No names until she confirms her interest in SPECTACULAR, SPECTACULAR! Fingers, toes and eyes are crossed.


  1. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is SO exciting!!!!!! Crossing every crossable thing.
