
Sunday, August 30, 2009


How about a series of random subjects?

First, what about this beautiful weekend? It has been so wonderful--there is no room to complain.

Second, I'm ready for my husband to come home.

Third, I've decided my yard has become (has been) a hospice for plants. Especially those I bring home from the local garden center, with the best of intentions. For instance, these were two bucks each--almost dead, but deserving of a little dignity, which I've given them . . . a nice shady location, in hopes of finding the perfect sunny locale for them. They've traveled around the yard. It's been a good end--it is the end--for them. Why do I do this? I think the "hope" of being planted is better than dying on a rolling rack on the asphalt. Isn't it?

Fourth, and final, I lost my favorite cookbook today. I took it with me to the grocery store and I left it at the check-out. ARGH! This is the notebook I carried with me throughout our homeless Spring into Summer of 1994 (we were moving from Germany to Georgia). Everywhere we went, I had this notebook and into it I wrote all of the favorite recipes of all of the best meals we ate. In the years to follow, I wrote more recipes--it was full. It was my "go to" cookbook for the past 15 years and now it's gone. I'm very sad. The "White Lightnin' Chili" I prepared for dinner tonight was definitely missing something . . .

Okay, fifth, and truly final . . . this darn stove/oven is mocking me from Lowe's. It was on a discontinued clearance special. We've wanted a new one--I was supposed to save money for one. Darn kids and their teeth--mine, too. Insullation, too. Then the A/C at the shop--tires, can't forget the tires. So, no money saved for a new kitchen. But there it was . . . taunting. . . tempting. GE Profile, smooth cook-top with convection oven. I walked away, but it was difficult.

That's it (I actually thought of about three more things, but . . .).

Thanks for your indulgence.


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Close Enough to Done

Oh my gosh, but I do love working on the floor of my shop. I love meeting my customers, helping them find the perfect gift for a friend or accessory for their home. I love arranging my displays. I love trying new ideas--I especially love it when they work!
Today, Jennifer put together the window display. She had a great idea about using umbrellas--I love them! I helped her a little and worked on the Halloween display inside the shop
I also love these wall decals--instant decor! They don't work very well on rough surfaces, but otherwise they are the perfect solution for quick and easy decorating.
Once again you will find haunted photos at Hodgepodge--you'll have to come in to see . . .
I tried to find items that will appeal to those of you who enjoy decorating for Halloween--in a grown-up style.
I hope you have time to come in and see for yourself. Be sure to check-out the cherry-on-top . . . that wonderfully spooky red bud branch.
So, we're not done, done, but we're close enough that I want to share some pistures of what we've accomplished so far.

Thanks for your indulgence!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Developing Our Halloween Decor

We sold a few pieces this weekend, which afforded the space to bring in some new pieces. I've since decided to have these new pieces as the anchors for our soon-to-be Halloween Room. Today I decided what I wanted to do to compliment the look I want to achieve. It would require a branch. (No real surprise there, as it's a common merchandising accessory throughout Hodgepodge.) I happened to know of one in my yard--the red bud by our driveway lost a branch during our last storm. But how do I get it to the shop?

It's nice to have a car with a removable roof.

I had to wait for the police officer to go around my double-parked tree . . . car
. . . so I could take this picture.

To give it some perspective--see that little blue door . . . it had to go through there!

After some tugging, expletives and rather incredible feats of balance--
it's hanging where I envisioned it.

The shop looked and sounded like a path in the woods --
leaves crunching under the feet of my customers.
What a mess, but so worth it.

I'll post some pictures of the Halloween Room when it's complete, but this was an adventure too good not to share. Probably difficult to convey in pictures , but it was a heck of a day for me!
Thanks for your indulgence.

Monday, August 24, 2009

A not-so-Monday Monday

It was definitely a Monday . . . in a not-so-Monday way.

More boxes, no packing slips, and more bills than money . . . cool new inventory, great ideas for new displays, several decent sales.

A trailer I can't back into our driveway, fruit flies infesting our trash and a late gas & water bill . . . my beautiful new rug, a great phone conversation with JB* and two coats of paint on the once lavender colored wall.

Several calls from sales people, missed the mailman, a splinter way deep in my thumb . . . a great work-out at the Y, easy math homework and an email to my better half.

Thanks for your indulgence.

*the initials of a person who flattered me by listening to my incoherent ramblings while delaying her "krogering." No names until she confirms her interest in SPECTACULAR, SPECTACULAR! Fingers, toes and eyes are crossed.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Taking the Show on the Road

It's been quite a week . . . or three.
Would someone please do me the favor of reminding, say 9 months from now, that August is slow! Having so many shipments arrive during one of the slowest months of the year is daunting; checking-in all of that inventory when you're sitting on so much already seems insane! But, it's a good time to keep busy with unpacking!

Boxes, boxes, boxes!

We were, however, super busy on Saturday. I was at the Downtown Market with a display of Hodgepodge merchandise--I did sell some bags, but mostly just told folks about the shop(s)--Hodgepodge and ARTifacts. Consequently, a lot of people stopped in the shop and stuff moved out the doors.

I also set-up at the "Super Sign-up" event at Ft. Campbell, KY earlier last week. Taking the show on the road is not the easiest thing to do, but it clearly good for business. It's just good to remind people Hodgepodge and ARTifacts are ready and waiting. When you need something new for the house, a gift for a friend, newlyweds or a new baby.

Three photos from the Super Sign-up.

We're also getting ready to put out Halloween merchandise and needed a place to focus on for the display. I've got a few ideas--been thinking about them for about 10 months now! You'll find all kinds of delightfully ghoulish items for your Halloween decor at Hodgepodge within a couple weeks.

Last year's Halloween window display.

I did have some luck at the flea market today. I've got a few good things for the shops, but I'm really excited about my new rug for our bedroom. It's HUGE and has great, faded shades of pink, blue, green and brown! It's at least 10 feet in length--oval in shape. I got a great deal because of some damage--not to mention the fact that it weighs a ton and the vendor probably wanted to lighten her load!

Here's the rug--all bunched-up in the rear of Flo.

As an added bonus to the weekend, Kendall and I had the pleasure of meeting an incredibly talented and creative lady, Theresa Smith, of Time Worn Interiors.

All-in-all, I'd say a great weekend. I hope you can say the same.

Thanks for your indulgence.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mother Daughter Tea

We were asked to participate in decorating a table for the Mother Daughter Tea on Sunday, as were about 20 other businesses and individuals--including ARTifacts. So, after church, Hannah, Kendall, Ryleigh and I high-tailed it to the Water Street Events Center when the event was to take place. Many of the other tables were already set, so we were able to scoot around an take a look at all of the creativity. Here's a few pictures of my efforts:

I wanted to add some pictures of the ARTifacts table, but I'm having trouble shifting them around again. What gives?
Instead you'll have to visit the ARTifacts blog to see their pics.
Thanks for your indulgence,

Monday, August 17, 2009

so, what's new with you?

Last week was busy and jam packed. Thursday saw the Budweiser Clydesdales come to Franklin Street. Amazing animals.

Then there were the boxes . . . boxes . . . and more boxes.

And a class, Part II.
Jillian shared her expertise about photoshop for the second Saturday in a row. I bought Elements about a month ago--maybe more--so I could learn how to enhance my photographs. I hadn't even loaded it on my computer until last Saturday. It's great software. I've watched as Kendall manipulates photos into something altogether new and exciting! I really don't have anything more exciting than tweaking pictures for my blog planned, but I'm excited. My eldest daughter took the classes with me. After the first class she had created a really cool "blended picture" by the time I returned home from work! (Show-off.) I'm hoping to have some time to play on the computer and see if I can remember anything Jill has taught me. (Maybe, as I'm awake writing this post at 3 AM, now would be a good time!)

Well, thanks to HBO--it took me far too long to finish this post. The kids are already stirring and I need to get my son to school a little early today (we're having some AP English anxiety . . .), so I shouldn't open photoshop elements . . . should I?

Maybe, just one quick turn around the menu bar . . .

Thanks for your indulgence.
PS Is anyone else having trouble moving pictures around in blogger? I can't click and drag like I usually do.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A new idea

A variety fo silverplate flatware has donned my table for at least twelve years--maybe longer. I love the look, I love the feel--I also love it as jewelry, but that's another blog! We use ours all of the time. The kids don't even gripe about having to handwash it . . . anymore.

Ever since I opened Hodgepodge I've offered vintage silverplate flatware in an open stock manner. As of tomorrow, however, you'll find place settings of salad fork, dinner fork, knife, tea and soup spoons, neatly tied-up and ready for you to take home.
I even--GASP--polished them! Each place setting will come with the flatware mentioned, in a variety of patterns. You'll the love the look of these beautiful pieces on your table. I encourage you to use them often--they're meant to be handled.
Here are the pictures of the sets as I worked to arrange them.

This is how you'll find it at the shop and online.

The best part for you, the consumer, is the decision is made--the mix is chosen! All you need to do is plunk down the altogether-too-reasonable price of $19.95 and tell me how many you need!

Thanks for your indulgence!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Where "Clarksville" Women Create

I love it when we get-together to create!

Here are pictures from our most recent "How Do They Do That?" class,

led by my creative sister, Kendall.

Each of these nichos were creative, personal expressions for our participants.

They were all wonderful--unfortunately, my pictures were not.

Please consider joining us for future "How Do They Do That?" events, next one is August 25th--especially the Grandmama of all events . . .

Spectacular, Spectacular!

October 23 & 24

Thanks for your indulgence.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The New Look of Hodgepodge

Complete with a slide show . . . I hope. I hope. I hope.

Let's see.

Should be there to the left . . .

(if you receive this via email--you'll have to connect to my blog to see the slide show)

Thanks for your indulgence!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

She'll be upset I'm making a Big Deal about this . . .

but I can't believe Rebecca Sower came to see us today! It was like a surprise visit from royalty or something! Not only did she come to see us--to check-us-out, but she actually identified herself . . . made herself known. She could have slipped in and out quietly, without letting us know she had been there, but she introduced herself.; AND, she stayed to talk. What a wonderfully modest and gracious lady!
We found her in our one of our obsession magazines . . . basically anything published by Stampington & Compay. About a week ago, Kendall and I worked-up enough nerve to ask her if she would consider participating in "Spectacular, Spectacular." A day later she responded with the comment to the effect of she'd like to hear more; we've been planning our reply ever-since! I was trying to come-up with the right thing to say--something to convince her that we're a legitimate operation so she'd agree to come teach a class. Then, there she is.
She'll be upset that I'm writing this--she's so unassuming. But we're thrilled that she even sat down with us and shared her thoughts.
So, here's the unofficial supposition . . . Rebecca Sower, is considering joining us for Spectacular, Spectacular, as a teacher and, hopefully, vendor for the event. (I hope that wasn't too forward!)
We'll keep you posted, naturally. Heck, all she had to do is drop-in to the shop and I'm downright giddy!
Okay, enough already! The event will be wonderful, but it will be more wonderfuller (yup--I said it) with Rebecca. Cross your fingers and subscribe to this blog so you'll be among the first to know! I'm feeling so good, I'm going to extend an invitation to another notable crafter extraordinaire . . . wish me luck!

Have you saved the dates? Oct 23 & 24. Do it!

Thanks for your indulgence!
