
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lessons Learned . . .

Lessons learned this weekend:

(1) I have incredible friends!

(2) Having incredible friends sometimes means they drop-in for last minute visits, which consequently prevents you from holding to your promise to blog everyday for ten days.

(I doubt anyone even noticed, but I feel awful. TWO days missed!)

I've had a great time getting caught-up with dear friends this Summer. First, Carla and her crew drop by (earlier this Summer), then The Edens crew (Friday night) and, since Saturday night(even as I type) Sheila is here! Throw in an unprecedented visit from my mother (and dad--but he's been before) and this has been one heck of a Summer!

The other distracting, but exciting event of the weekend was the time I spent with a crew filming a documentary called "In Their Boots." In Their Boots is a documentary series about the impact the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are having on people here at home. They interviewed me about being a military spouse who is running a business, raising three kids and volunteering as a downtown Clarksville activist. It was a very educational experience. It wasn't/isn't a political statement, nor is it in anyway judgemental. It's just to demonstrate the relationship of military families with their communities--in this case, Clarksville, TN and Ft. Campbell, KY.

I think Clarksville is distinguished from other military towns in that it is not defined as a military town--it's the 5th largest city in the state; it's home to Austin Peay State University; Clarksville is rich in history, arts and culture. It's much, much more than just a military town, but they definitely support their military service members and families.

I'm proud to call Clarksville home.

Thanks for your indulgence!

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