
Monday, July 27, 2009

Custom Furniture for the rest of us

Some cool new pieces at prices you won't believe!

Below is a picture of our custom-made harvest table ($350)--it's 6 feet long and just under 3 feet wide. This one is stained, but you can have yours painted.
New sideboard ($350) and bookcase ($225). Add another bookcase on the left and you have a wonderful, custom-made entertainment center for those fancy schmancy plasma screen televisions. The sideboard is deep enough for your stereo components and the louvered sides allow air to circulate. These pieces have to be painted because they're constructed from salvaged shutters. This bookcase has set shelves, but we can make it with adjustable shelves (slightly increasing the price).
This is the sideboard with the door open--you can see the louvered sides. This is black with a distressed finish.
This is one of our favorites: our Window Cabinet. Made using a recycled window, these cabinets are so versatile it's crazy. Use is for your Grandmother's china, your collectibles, your books, your________ (fill in the blank). This all-purpose beauty is only $250! Again, pick your color.
This is one of our signature pieces--our Kitchen Island ($550). You can see this one up-close-and-personal at Historic Downtown Clarksville's newest addition Ingredients--for the gourmet in you; a fabulous new kitchen shop.

Bonus piece: My very own vintage full-sized bed, recycled into a bench. This isn't a new idea, but I did do one thing a little different. I had my talented craftsman keep the foot board turned side rails at exactly at half-size (most of the time they're cut-down to make the finished product a more traditional bench size). It conveniently fits a crib size mattress and still has room for lots of pillows for comfort. I'll show you the finished product when I get the cushions and pillows. I'm just so happy with I had to show you!So, there you have it. Custom-made furniture at crazy affordable prices! Call or email me for more details or to place your orders. Place and order for your custom piece before August 7th and receive a Paddywax soy wax candle as your gift from me!

Thanks for your indulgence!

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Date . . . She Must Be Saved!

Grab your calendar and mark-it-up, circle it with glue and add glitter, because October 23 & 24

you and your friends will be at:

This is a crafting and vendor event, the likes of which Clarksville, Tennessee, has never seen! There will be vendors selling their wares and inspiring artisans sharing their talents.

Friday night will find you at the Spectacular, Spectacular Soiree. Here you will enjoy refreshments, music, first-glimpse shopping, door prizes and more! There will be an admission charged for this event and ticket sales will be limited, so stay tuned for the announcement of when the Soiree tickets will be available. Those attending the Spectacular, Spectacular Soiree will be afforded discounted registration for the workshops available on Day 2 of Spectacular, Spectacular.

Saturday will be brimming with workshops and shopping opportunities. Again--more details to follow! I'm sure I don't need to tell you how perfect the timing is for Christmas gift preparation. You'll learn the skills you can use at home. Win, Win!
Just make sure you're not planning anything else for these two special days!

Thanks for your indulgence!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The kids are home. Hurrah! We caught-up on the hour ride back from the airport and they're already upstairs reclaiming their space. I really missed them and not just because they do most of my housekeeping.
Right before I left to go get them, I snapped a few quick photos of some of the most recent merchandise to arrive at Hodgepodge.
New clutch from recycled soda can tabs. It's hand woven and stylish.

Recycled tin on wood letters wit hooks.

Recycled tin flower hooks. Great in the kitchen holding your hand towels or aprons.

Some great new baskets--one a tote, the other a storage basket--both handmade from using grasses and leather.

These are just a few of the great new items we're checking-in almost daily. Come see us at Hodgepodge to get something special for you or a friend. If you're not in the area--give me a call, we'll get them shipped out to you before you can say Priority Mail!

Thanks for your indulgence!


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A beautiful day with a chance of salad

All by myself . . . don't wanna be . . . all by myself.
So, I had a great time with Leslie, then Sheila. Completely blew my plans for a blog a day, but I hope you understand. I hadn't seen Leslie in 5 years; it had been 2 years since Sheila and I spent time together. We had a lot of fun, talked endlessly and solved each other's problems.
Two more days until I grab the kids at the Nashville Airport. They're having a great time with Mimi, Granddad, Aunt Nikki, Uncle Bill and cousins. I miss them terribly.
Every time I'm with Sheila, she does so much to inspire and motivate me. I wish I could put her in my pocket! I've got lots of ideas for the shop. Some big moves, some new markdowns, some new inventory. Stay tuned for updates.
So, are you loving our weather? This has to be the most beautiful July on the books. What are you doing to make the most of it? I'm trying to spend as much time as possible outside. Sheila and I enjoyed and afternoon of conversation and light dining on Sunday. She made an incredible watermelon salad: She chopped up about 1/4 of a watermelon, crumbled 2 ozs. of goat cheese and and tossed them together. She then added 1 tsp. of toasted black sesame seeds; sprinkled the mixture with some balsamic vinegar and, I think, a little honey. OH MY GOSH! I'm jonesin' for this salad!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lessons Learned . . .

Lessons learned this weekend:

(1) I have incredible friends!

(2) Having incredible friends sometimes means they drop-in for last minute visits, which consequently prevents you from holding to your promise to blog everyday for ten days.

(I doubt anyone even noticed, but I feel awful. TWO days missed!)

I've had a great time getting caught-up with dear friends this Summer. First, Carla and her crew drop by (earlier this Summer), then The Edens crew (Friday night) and, since Saturday night(even as I type) Sheila is here! Throw in an unprecedented visit from my mother (and dad--but he's been before) and this has been one heck of a Summer!

The other distracting, but exciting event of the weekend was the time I spent with a crew filming a documentary called "In Their Boots." In Their Boots is a documentary series about the impact the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are having on people here at home. They interviewed me about being a military spouse who is running a business, raising three kids and volunteering as a downtown Clarksville activist. It was a very educational experience. It wasn't/isn't a political statement, nor is it in anyway judgemental. It's just to demonstrate the relationship of military families with their communities--in this case, Clarksville, TN and Ft. Campbell, KY.

I think Clarksville is distinguished from other military towns in that it is not defined as a military town--it's the 5th largest city in the state; it's home to Austin Peay State University; Clarksville is rich in history, arts and culture. It's much, much more than just a military town, but they definitely support their military service members and families.

I'm proud to call Clarksville home.

Thanks for your indulgence!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Okay, not one, not two, but three . . . count them . . . 1, 2, 3 shipments arrived today. Oh my goodness, is this some great stuff! Beautiful new bird cages, wonderful French inspired iron tables, new "flea market" style dishware, and so much more.

Of course, balance all of that good with the fact that my Point of Sale software crashed. I had to buy a subscription for tech support, to the tune of $129--this before they answered anything. And three hours later, I would agree . . . money well spent!

What will tomorrow bring?

Thanks for your indulgence.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 3

As promised, here are some of those wonderful finds from Atlanta . . .

Here are a few beautiful pedants made of vintage lace, beads and findings. (large $50, small $40)

Here's another style pendant--it's set of three ($50).

These little bottles are called pearls of wisdom. They're filled wth pearls, glitter and words. ($50)

The bracelets are lovely. The first on the left has a pair of matching earrings. (Starting at

Alrighty, I've got to hit the hay.

Thanks for your indulgence.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

day 2 of my isolation

I started on the back room of the shop, but didn't finish. I'm getting it very organized--the tools and hardware anyway. Also did a little work with the inventory. No filing, though; I hate filing. I did send out the press release, too!

We received one of the shipments from market already! It practically beat me home! New lamps; some new lined baskets--perfect for serving bread or fruit; as well as a few other items.

I stayed a little later at the shop today--actually, at ARTifacts, to teach a merchandising class. We had a great time gathering items for our late summer display. We took items from a variety of booths and put it all together into a the display. I'll add some pictures tomorrow.

Tomorrow I'll post about all of the new Broken China jewelry I picked-up at market. I also purchased some other extraordinary pendants from another vendor, which I'll also share.

'til then . . .

Thanks for your indulgence!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Market 2009 . . . check!

The weary market warrior returns. It's good to be home.

If the sheer number of buyers at this market is any indicator--everyone is feeling better about the economy! I know I placed some huge orders, so I hope everyone is feeling better. I'll give you about 15 - 30 days to prepare (coincidentally, the amount of time it'll take for my orders to start rolling in . . .), but after that, you'll need to start shopping again!

The inevitable question everyone is and will be asking is "What did you get?"

Well, I'll tell you . . . lots and lots. I found stuff for your garden, for your bedroom, for your living room and dining room; stuff for YOU; stuff for your holiday decorating--Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. A unique and beautiful collection of stuff, hand selected by me for you--my wonderful Hodgepodge friends.

You know, that is how I think about it when I'm there. I'll look at products and think of you. Would you like it? Is it what you told me you're looking for? I found myself, on more than one occasion, stopping in front of a product and saying, "Now, who told me they were looking for an iron three-hook display?" Or, "Is that the type of daybed Shekinah wanted?" Or, "Is this chaise lounge right for Marcia?" When I'm shopping the three-city-blocks-worth of Americasmart, I'm doing it for you. Really. Ibuprofen and sensible shoes (but never sneakers) are my companions.

The kids left with Mimi and Granddad today, bound for some much needed and earned vacation time. I'll miss them terribly, but I'm looking forward a busy week at the shop. My goals:

(1) A new shopping cart for my web site (open to suggestions, by the way--know a good one?);

(2) to send out my press release about being chosen as one of the 50 Retail Stars by Home Accents Today;

(3) to line-up instructors for our Spectacular, Spectacular event;

(4) to blog every day for the ten days my children will be in Virginia--I promise to keep it relevant, but I guess that's a very subjective endevour;

(5) to get my filing done and the backroom organized.

Thanks for your indulgence!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Oh Beautiful, for Spacious Skies


Look at these . . . we created them at our most recent "How Do They Do That?" event. Kendall taught us how to make this vintage looking banner to hang "above the fruited plains" and I love it! (Can you guess which song I've been singing all week?)

This is Kendall's . . .

mine . . .

Taylor's on her door . . .

I love that I've got a new patriotic decoration. I'm rather particular about those. I don't do a lot of "Americana decor," but I can appreciate it in the homes of other folks.
We're the house on the street that always has the American flag flying--we are in the good company of a few of our neighbors, but ours is always there. Occasionally, I'll put out a few extra touches--just to remind ourselves how fortunate we are.

Mom and Dad will be here today. Perhaps in time to catch Haedyn's last performance as Mushu in Mulan, Jr. (They made it before I posted!)

We are so fortunate.

This evening, we'll climb on our recently-repaired roof to watch the fireworks on the river. It's the best view in town!

We are so fortunate.

We've got all kinds of plans for this Independence Day weekend. All the while, our brave service members are spread across the world . . . doing their duty.

In particular is our service member . . .

I'm proud of that uniform, but like this look much better . . .

We are so fortunate.

God Bless America!

Thanks for your indulgence~