
Monday, April 13, 2009

A Teaser for More

Well, at the risk of flattering myself, I hope you've missed me as much as I've missed you!

It's been wonderful having the husband at home and I frankly dread the weekend, as he'll be returning to Iraq, but I have missed my blog. As I've mentioned before, I kind of use my blog for "downloading of the day," but when Darren is home, he gets an earful instead of you guys getting an eyeful.

I've got a lot to share, so I'll try to do it in a series of blogs--not all at once--so here are some highlights of things to come:

First things, first . . . Hodgepodge is brimming with new items! All kinds of cool stuff for your home and garden. I'll post some pictures and other ideas to the blog this week.

Second, I hope those of you in the area have Rivers & Spires on your calendars for this weekend. The event kicks-off Thursday night on Public Square. Be sure to visit the website for details about the variety of activities available throughout the event. Don't forget about meeting the guys from HGTV in front of Hodgepodge!

Third, please visit this website to complete a survey about the types of businesses you'd like to see in the downtown area. We did an informal survey here on my blog, but we need something a little more "official." We're arranging a seminar for anyone interested in opening a business of their own (May 19th)--we want to be able to say, here are the results of a survey and these are the businesses Clarksville residents will support. This will show you why Clarksville is Tennessee's Top Spot for Small Business.

Finally, I need to give you a little more information about the

How Do They Do That? Extravaganza!

I hope you've been thinking about whether or not you'd like to participate as a teacher and/or student. More later.

Alrighty then . . . stand-by for more information on these and doubtlessly many more subjects.

Thanks for your indulgence.

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