
Monday, April 27, 2009

shake it off--then create!

Time to shake it off and get on with the good stuff. As a self-professed optimist, I've had a difficult time dealing with the fact that I'm not feeling very optimistic these days. Business is okay, but it could be better. Darren's departure has left me a little melancholy. And the cherry on the top?

Only two entries in my contest for the Roxy tickets!!! (Taylor's six attempted entries not withstanding.) What's up with that? Don't like free stuff? Don't like theatre? Oh, I get it, you guys must have already seen it . . . (There's still time--closing the contest on Tuesday.)

I did enjoy my weekend with Kate--so glad she came. We stayed-up late talking, probably to many glasses of wine/beer. She is one of my favorite people to talk with--always full of encouragement, sensibility and humor. ("Righteously indignant" is one of our favorite moods to share.)

We spent an easy 3 1/2 hours at TJ Maxx with Hunter--she enjoys shopping with us (Kate). We enjoyed the Twitterpated show by APSU art students on Saturday and witty repartee with Jane and Jesse--with an occasional appearance by Cale. We wrapped-up the weekend with a trip to the flea market (my gosh--it was HOT!) and dropping Kate at the airport.

Kendall and I then finished out the day at Lowe's for four ceiling fans for the third floor. Have I mentioned the How Do They Do That? Extravaganza!

We're still arranging some of the instructors and the class offerings, so check the site often. Once we've got everything nailed down--we'll activate the shopping cart and you'll be able to register for your classes online. I strongly suggest looking it over now so you can prioritize and be ready with your choices.

In the meantime, let's get you in the mood to create with this super simple project.

I really like the candles I was offering from a company called Fringe, because they were layered with pictures and words printed on glass. I no longer carry these candles, so I thought I'd try to recreate the look myself.

So gathered up some ephemera, ribbons and trinkets/charms and set-about creating a unique candle wrap.First, I wrapped the candle with a piece of lavender tissue paper. Then I added a photocopy of some ephemera I layered onto the copier (a picture of a floral arrangement, a couple postage stamps, and a quote--topped by a piece of sheet music for the background). I ran the copy on some antique beige paper. I cut the paper to a width which allowed the tissue paper to show and wrapped the candle--holding at the back with some glue (I used a glue stick). The I wrapped two ribbons--first a lavender which just met at the back (no knot) and then the sage green--tied with a simple square knot. I used the shipping tags we use at the shop (bee stamp and all) applied a photocopied postage stamp and tied it to the ribbon. Viola! I satisfied my urge to create and made something that is normally very plain into something very decorative!I love them here on this great eight pillar chandelier--great for any room in the house or the garden.

Let me know if you need more detail in my instruction--I'm trying to get this posted before heading to the Y!

Thanks for your indulgence!

1 comment:

  1. Good friends are the best. Glad you had a nice visit. I would enter the contest, but I'm pretty sure that my status as an employee makes me exempt for all of the wonderful giveaways. At least I can take solace in my employee discount!!! :~) It's a wonder I ever walk out of there without a negative balance on my paycheck.
