
Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Smidgen of Hodgepodge

Suddenly, I'm chatty. I don't want to innundate you those of you whom have, in a moment of weakness and/or undying dedication to yours truly, signed-up to receive my blogs via email (it has a name . . . I know it does). You'll have to forgive me (or just un-sign-up). I don't have another adult at home--therefore no one with whom I can download my day--so stuff occurs to me all day long, but I can't make my customers hang around to listen to me (I try, believe me).

So, I'm wondering, where are Clarksville parents-to-be buying their nursery furniture? I've got some of the cutest, most durable cribs and changing tables I've ever seen (remember, this is my totally unbiased opinion). And the bedding! My gosh--it's adorable! Perhaps people don't know I sell nursery furniture. Perhaps they don't know I have an entire section dedicated to the babies in our lives. A while back I dubbed the baby section: A Smidgen of Hodgepodge, but I guess I didn't do a very good job of sharing this info. I've decided I'm going to get the word out. I'm going to focus (for as long as my self-diagnosed ADD will allow me) to making folks think "A Smidgen of Hodgepodge" for their nursery furnishings and baby gifts.

I already have a pretty dedicated group of individuals who buy their baby gifts from Hodgepodge. We've got Robeez--the best baby shoes on the market; we've got Caldrea products especially for baby (although grown-ups like it, too);
we've got these darling enamelware sets; monogrammable blankets;

diaper bags; the cutest clothing line--all handmade from organic cotton.

As you can see, it's a significant amount of inventory. So, shame on me for not making Smidgen common knowledge--especially here in Clarksville. (Oh, who am I kidding . . . most of Clarksville hasn't even heard of Hodgepodge, let alone "A Smidgen" of it!
I'm hoping that you, my faithful readers (both of you), will remember "Smidgen" the next time a friend tells you she's expecting or Aunt Mary is in need of a baby gift. I would truly appreciate the referral.

Thanks, in advance!
And, thanks for your indulgence.


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