
Friday, November 14, 2008

Got Plans?

It seems like I spend all year planning for this time of year--then when it gets here, I plan some more! Never more so than since I've become a shop owner, though. Not only do I have to plan for the shop, but I also want to plan for our home. The shop is fun because there are so many possibilities. Home is special because I want to create happy memories for my family.

When you’re preparing for the rapid fire holidays—Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years—you’re probably planning a lot of entertaining. Now is a good time to inventory you tableware and what you’ll use to set the table. Something I did many moons ago was to decide to use a place setting which would see me through all of those holidays—I set my table with Friendly Village from Johnson Bros. It isn’t season specific and sees our family through Fall and Winter. I feel the same is true of the plates we have at Hodgepodge from the Mary Carol Home Collection. Specifically the "country manor" plates. We have them in black--as in basic goes with everything.

In addition to the shop and our home, I'm working on plans for decorating a table at the Smith-Trahern Mansion for their holiday display. As I make these plans I'm trying to think of ideas that will inspire and be something those who visit the mansion might be able to use when they get home.

How do you get ready for the holidays? Have you planned your menu(s) and table setting(s)? I remember one year while we were living in Richmond Hill, GA, just outside of Savannah, my sister Nikki and brother-in-law, Bill were planning to come see us for the holidays. Nikki and I started planning the menu in September! In addition to the food, the wine was an added ingredient in our planning. Nikki and Bill volunteered to research the wines suggested for our planned menu (was it from Elizabeth Terry--Elizabeth's on 37th?) and brought them all with them to Georgia. I can't remember how many they brought, but I do remember it was a significant amount!

I'd love to hear how you approach this time of year. When do you start your planning? Will you have company or just immediate family? Got any tips or special decorating ideas you plan? Please leave your comments here about your plans.
As always, thanks for your indulgence.



  1. I'm positively giddy this year - as I am a guest at both Thanksgiving and Christmas! I have my cranberry sauce and relish done and canned to take with me for Thanksgiving and thanks to you and Walgreen's photo - one side of the family's Christmas presents bought (wrapped tonight) and delivered on Thanksgiving.

    Christmas is in Massachusetts and will be idyllic. One night my Dad promised a Caribbean celebration with Cayman Mamas and run cake.

    New Year's Eve is yet to be determined but I know it involves chocolate and champagne.

  2. Those table settings are positively gorgeous!
