
Friday, November 28, 2008

A Full Day

I hope you guys enjoyed your holiday. We had a very nice Thanksgiving--although it wasn't my ideal. Darren is gone. I didn't get to have my time in the kitchen preparing my favorite meal of the year. I was a little out-of-sorts most of the day. We had a lovely meal at our church and were finished and home by 3 P.M. A quick stop at the shop for a few details, home for some work in the yard (unseasonably warm), then family and friends for desserts. Oh, and a little Grinch, a la Jim Carrey--funny stuff.
Thanks for all of the comments (entries) for my"gimmick blog." There's still time for you to get in on the contest, so be sure to make your comments so we can learn about each others favorite holiday traditions.
I'll tell you what might become my favorite tradition. It's coming home to a clean house. Thursday I made the momentous decision to invite someone into my filth--to clean our home. Jen Stewart of Jen's Housekeeping, introduced herself to me a few short weeks ago. As I get to know her, I feel a real kinship with her--so it was difficult for me to then engage her to clean my house (it's like baring your soul). We are pigs--you can write the word on any given surface in this house! Having to walk around--turning on lights which normally remain off (self-preservation) in order to truly reveal the daunting amount of dust which has accumulated and gathered it's closest allies--bunnies formed from the hair of dog, cat, rabbit and hamsters! Gah-ross! As Jen didn't run screaming from the place, I decided to treat myself to her services. I credit her for her fortitude, but I am so fortunate and pleased I decided to give into, and recognize, my limitations. She only had time for my living room today, but what a treat to look at our beautiful plaster ceiling medallion and see it free of the cob webs!
Really, that's what made me decide to ask her for help. It was listening to her be so complementary about our house and realizing that it wasn't showing at it's best potential because we have let it fall into such decay. I feel fortunate each day I walk through our door--it's a beautiful home, but you wouldn't know it to see it most days! Darren has taken great care in preserving our roof and working to remove layers of paint--to restore it's original splendor. The least I can do is keep it clean--yes, it would appear so, "the least I can do." My love affair with this house is restored, thanks to Jen's help--not just her cleaning skills, but her ability to see through the filth to the potential. She got a great philosophy and I enjoy our conversations. You might enjoy checking-out her blog.
Well, enough about that for now. I'm sure I'm not the only one who struggles with trying to balance home, family and work. I know I can't enjoy Jen's services every week, but I can easily see how it could become habit forming. If you've got any tips to help me keep the dust bunnies at bay--in between Jen's efforts--I'd love to hear them!
Have a wonderful weekend. I hope to see some of you tomorrow.
Thanks for your indulgence.


  1. Wow! Thanks Paige!!! I hesitated to comment on your blog, since it is about me and I don't know if there is any etiquette against such a thing . . . who cares! I must say *thank you* for saying such wonderful things about me, and because of some of the things you have expressed to me, which are concerns I have heard from other wonderful clients of mine, I know what my next blog is going to be about! I only have two blogs on my website, so thank you for inspiring me to write a third!

    Your house IS beautiful - and you all are not -pigs-, you just have more important things to do than dust! That's a good thing. I feel so honored to have been invited into your home and to get to know you!

    I know this comment is already too long, but before I go I feel it is imperative that I leave a dusting tip! It came from one of my clients and I love it. Used dryer sheets are fantastic dusters! Especially for kids, as they do not require water, which could cause damage to wood and other materials if not used carefully, and the sheets grab the dust so that it doesn't just fly into the air and land somewhere else. Also, they smell good!!!

  2. Like the dusting tip!

    Hmmm, I wish that I could say I have all the answers; I'm home all the time and my house is still a terrible mess. I'll be sure to check out Jen's blog though. :~)
