
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

in columbus on his day

a wonderful weekend.

we ran to columbus, ohio on friday--back by monday. we had a great time. family pics--maybe a christmas card photo? lots of adoration for our delightful and entertaining nephew. a few, too short minutes, with our dear friends, Kate and Matt. came home a little later than planned, thanks to southwest (oh well). checked some emails, then made the list for the commissary.

i was only away for a few days, but was anxiously looking forward to getting to the shop. now's the time for all the cool stuff to start happening. while in columbus, i purchased plates to use for our decorating efforts at the smith-trahern mansion this holiday season. the theme is "songs of the season." seems easy and we've got several ideas, but i feel a lot of pressure to be inspirational. i hope people to see our table and want to go home and replicate it. not because i want them to buy everything i have to offer--in fact, as i just mentioned, i just purchased the accent plates i'll use on the table at an antique shop in columbus. just trying to prove the the point--you need to "gather your home" not purchase it all in one place at one time.

our fall decor is so much fun and i find that i have plans for new displays almost daily--it's just finding the time to do them! thank goodness for creative patty! all i have to do is say, "i was thinking . . . " and next thing i know, it's a done deal!

here are some of the new plates we have recently checked-in. they're from the mary carol line i mentioned a few blogs ago. these will be perfect for any holiday table setting. i love the classic look and scenes--and who can resist the basics of black & white?

I want to make a quick suggestion--if you have an evening available you should try to make it to the show at The Roxy, The Last 5 Years. It's a wonderfully told (sung) story of a relationship. Performed by just two extremely talented actors, this play is honest and, at times, raw. It's only at The Roxy through this Saturday.
thanks for your indulgence.

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