
Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween, Christmas Thanksgiving--perhaps in that order

I'm jumping on before we join friends for trick-or-treating fun, to remind everyone about my schedule for next week. It's that time--I'm sorry, but I've got to do it . . .

Christmas decoration are coming out.

In order to get everything done and do it right, we need to spend a few days on the process, so we'll be closed on Monday and Tuesday (the 3rd & 4th).

We'll re-open Wednesday, the 5th.

Thursday night will be ArtWalk and Wine--we'll feature Gabrielle Wardeiner, a Hodgepodge regular, with a few additions to her inventory.

Friday is our special event--invitation are in the mail!

Saturday is our Open House Event--regular hours of 10 am - 6 pm.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fall Decorating

Brrrr! Nothing like a brisk morning to wake a person up!

We had a great time last night figuring out "How Do They Do That?" Our project was inspired by a beautiful arrangement I found on a favorite blog,

This was our inspiration:

This was too beautiful not to try it, so . . . we did!
Martha regularly participates in our How Do They Do That programs.

Here I'm helping Karen with her ribbons and final touches as Taylor watches. That's Michelle in the foreground--a first time HDTDT participant.

Working on an arrangement.

The basic principals of floral design are easy--you just need to decide what appeals to you for your own designs.

Charly is also a regular--naturally creative and talented, she put together a beautiful arrangement!

Karen's arrangement is stunning.

Everyone looks happy with their finished products.

Well, I had a few requests for one more How Do They Do That class before the holidays--we'll see what we can squeeze in. Once we get the shop decorated, I can refocus on those possibilities. If there is anything you'd like to explore with one of these programs, please let me know.

Thanks again to Heather Bullard for her creative spirit.
Thanks, also, to you for your indulgence.

Monday, October 20, 2008

An Autumn Setting

This is a difficult week. We have to say "see you later" to the #1 man in our lives on Wednesday. The deployment we've been dreading is upon us. So, I'll deal with it by ignoring it--otherwise, I'll simply fall apart.

Saturday was busy at the shop, but I decided to tackle re-setting one of the tables. I started by removing the old settings, then I decided to update the centerpiece. Still my favorite thing in the shop--this vase never fails to make me smile. It takes the simplest flower arrangement and makes it something special.

(Sorry, too much flash.)

As I begin this post, I haven't figured out the rest, but intend to do so today when I get to the shop. Okay . . . it's many hours later. The table is set--still some tweaking left to do, but at least it has some plates and napkins. A pseudo "sideboard" is also loaded. Some pictures? Why sure!

Thanks for checking in. Feel free to say a prayer for Darren. I would considerate a personal favor.

Thanks for your indulgence.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

in columbus on his day

a wonderful weekend.

we ran to columbus, ohio on friday--back by monday. we had a great time. family pics--maybe a christmas card photo? lots of adoration for our delightful and entertaining nephew. a few, too short minutes, with our dear friends, Kate and Matt. came home a little later than planned, thanks to southwest (oh well). checked some emails, then made the list for the commissary.

i was only away for a few days, but was anxiously looking forward to getting to the shop. now's the time for all the cool stuff to start happening. while in columbus, i purchased plates to use for our decorating efforts at the smith-trahern mansion this holiday season. the theme is "songs of the season." seems easy and we've got several ideas, but i feel a lot of pressure to be inspirational. i hope people to see our table and want to go home and replicate it. not because i want them to buy everything i have to offer--in fact, as i just mentioned, i just purchased the accent plates i'll use on the table at an antique shop in columbus. just trying to prove the the point--you need to "gather your home" not purchase it all in one place at one time.

our fall decor is so much fun and i find that i have plans for new displays almost daily--it's just finding the time to do them! thank goodness for creative patty! all i have to do is say, "i was thinking . . . " and next thing i know, it's a done deal!

here are some of the new plates we have recently checked-in. they're from the mary carol line i mentioned a few blogs ago. these will be perfect for any holiday table setting. i love the classic look and scenes--and who can resist the basics of black & white?

I want to make a quick suggestion--if you have an evening available you should try to make it to the show at The Roxy, The Last 5 Years. It's a wonderfully told (sung) story of a relationship. Performed by just two extremely talented actors, this play is honest and, at times, raw. It's only at The Roxy through this Saturday.
thanks for your indulgence.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

How Do They Do That? Follow-up

We now know how they do these:

We had a full house the other night--nine pupils, a teacher (Melanie) and a floater (me). Melanie is a jewelry designer extraordinaire. It was my job to make sure everyone had a full glass of whatever and some snacks. (Mainly to distract the participants from the fact that some of our supplies hadn't arrived!)

I was amazed at the variety of the results stemming from the creativity of these ladies. Unfortunately, the actual frame pendants arrived a day late, but we were able to create the inserts, thanks to Melanie's creative approaches and ample supply of materials needed to make individual works of art.

If you want to make a pendant or two of your own, you will find supplies and instructions at

But let me tell you--we have a lot of fun at our group lessons, so I encourage you to sign-up for the next How Do They Do That? program. Our next program was originally scheduled for Oct 21st, that was before I had Darren's schedule. As that's his last night home before his deployment, I doubt he'd appreciate a house full of women . . . wait, never mind, he'd appreciate it, but it's probably still a bad idea. If you don't mind, we'll push it to Tuesday, Oct 28th.

We'll make the fall door decor you see above. Supplies will be, roughly, $20. Space will be limited, as I need to order supplies--preferably in time to arrive for class!
Send me an email if you're interested in registering for this class.

Thanks for your indulgence~