
Saturday, August 30, 2008

How Do They Do That? (Autumn Series)

Mark your calendars for our two next "How Do They Do That?" classes!

Date change: class will be the 30th--same bat time, same bat channel!

Sep 23rd we'll make pedants, under the tutelage of Melanie Hazen. Melanie is an accomplished and talented jewelry artisan. She has agreed to share some of her secrets and skills to help us create one-of-a-kind pendants for our personal use or gift giving. Please email me if you'd like to participate in this class. The class will start at 6 PM somewhere downtown--I'll let you know! The cost is $20 for one pendant, with a fee of $6 for each additional pendant.

Your pendant will be uniquely you--it doesn't have to look like this one. You can bring your own photographs to work with, too. Keep in mind, it's about 1" x 1" and reversible.
When you RSVP, please let me know how many pendants you'd like to make.

On October 21st we will get together to make a beautiful arrangement to adorn your home for the season.
I found this on the blog of an incredibly talented individual, Heather Bullard. I'm working to gather the items needed to create this beautiful arrangement--so cost will be posted later. As always, you costs will be my costs--no profits built into this one. I love the excuse to get together and create with you guys!

Please share this with friends--if you think they'd be interested.
As always, thanks for your indulgence!


  1. I know you just accidently dropped the "n" in pendant, but somehow I thought it was quite funny that we might be making these:

    But of course, me pointing this out to you is rather pedantic of ME, which just goes to show that it's not hard to make someone a pedant. :) Ah, irony.

  2. And DARN IT! The 23rd is Brownies from 6:30 to 8 pm so I'll miss it! If you get lots of takers, could you make a second class? Pleeeeze?

  3. I'm just happy to know you're reading! Spelling erors be darned! (That was intentionaly, by the by.)
    I will gladly have a one-on-one session with you once I've got the skinny on how to make these things. A glass of wine will likely help . . .
