
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

But Wait . . . There's More!!!

The additional 20% off clearance will continue through the 15th. I think this is the perfect opportunity to stock-up on gift items, BUNKO prizes and more. This means the items that were 50% off are now 70% off! (None of that fancy department store math for us--it's 50 plus 20, not 50 then 20--too much work!) So get in here and buy!

By way of announcement: coming soon to the Legion Street side of our little piece of heaven here in downtown Clarksville . . . ARTifacts! I'm working on plans for opening another shop to compliment our downtown. Darren and I have decided to hold-off on construction of the apartments on our third and second floors, so I've been trying to figure out what to do with that space in the meantime. I've finally come-up with a concept I think will work and will offer opportunities for others to have businesses of their own. We're going to open an arts and antique gallery, (aka: ARTifacts) on the second floor of our building. (The entrance is on Legion Street.) This will be an antique mall-like arrangement with a mix of art with the antiques. Right now, we're still in planning stages--we still need to add more electricity, along with other improvements. We're arranging staffing, advertising and other logistics. FYI: the entrance will not be handicapped or stroller accessible, as it's the second floor; there will be no A/C, but lots of fans. We will have heat, in the form of space heaters, during the winter months. The Gallery will be open about 40 hours/week. We will have a full staff with central check-out, but vendors/artists will be required to maintain their areas, pricing, etc. Further, additional "staffing" by the vendor/artists may be required on a limited and rotating basis (Saturdays and First Thursdays). Artists will be allowed to use their booth space in a studio fashion, as long as the booth is suitably sized and maintained. We will sell cold beverages and, possibly, ice cream, which should help with comfort levels during the heat of summer. I'd like to have the opening in early Fall--to coincide with the opening of the new and improved Legion Street.

Again, this is all preliminary and will likely be adjusted numerous times. I mention it now so I can get a reaction from my current customers and friends as to how you think this type of venue will be received. I'm also hoping to hear from those of you who might wish to participate in this venture. If you're interested in hearing more as plans develop, please email me at Please share this post with friends who may have an interest, as well.

Okay, this is turning into a long one, but I feel compelled to mention one more thing. This Thursday, at 2 PM, my son will be performing along side Mayor Piper and many other Clarksville residents in John McDonald's play, Headin' South, Goin' North. This is a one time shot, as part of the Clarksville Writer's Conference. Tickets are available at The Roxy for $10 or at The Roxy online for $15. The play tells the story of Charlie Lurton, a Civil War soldier and Clarksville native trying to return home. Absorb a little Clarksville color, while learning something--suitable for school aged children, too.

Okie dokie--that about covers it. I'll add a little something before I leave for market this Thursday.
Thanks for your indulgence!

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