
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July into August

Here it comes . . .

When I ordered it, July and August seemed so far away. Well, here we are and here it comes.

This week we unpacked some wonderful new home and garden items. Here is a peek at some of the stuff:


Other stuff is going on, too. The front of our building is getting a face lift. New colors, new awning, new look. I'll post some pictures when we're done. We're in the middle of Christmas in July . . . and August. Folks have been picking-up gifts, decorations for their own trees. I assure you, everything that's on sale will marry nicely with the items we have coming in, too. This is an opportunity to buy a lot of filler for a little dollar.

I hope to see you soon!

Thanks for your indulgence.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Christmas in July . . . and August!

Okay--we've decided on Christmas in July . . . and August!

Starting next Monday, July 28th thru Saturday, August 2nd. We'll pull out all of our Christmas decorations and have them on sale--50 - 70% off. If you plan to decorate for Christmas or attend an office ornament exchange or give an ornament as a gift--this is the sale you don't want to miss. Tell your friends, grab your kids, call in sick to work--do whatever it takes to get here.

Come celebrate--albeit a little early--Christmas with huge savings.

Friday, July 18, 2008

All Shook Up

An apt description for the shop right now. Actually, the shop doesn't look bad, until you look at my desk (sur-prise, sur-prise--best related when guffawed Gomer Pyle-style). It's once again covered--this time with orders--those placed in January, those placed in July and everything in between. I'm trying to figure out what to add and subtract. I found many things at market I want to add to Hodgepodge, but I need to figure out what I'm willing to cut, too. I can't have it all--I guess. It's hard to do--the cutting is hard, the adding is way too easy!

Tonight I expanded on the theme and went to see ALL SHOOK UP at The Roxy. Oh my goodness you guys! This show is fabulous! Elvis tunes all tied together with a story that has--sort of--never been done before. Now, as a true addict of the Elvis week on channel 5 (when I was in grade and Jr High school), I recognized most of the references and the songs, but was surprised by a few songs. All I know is, I'm buying tickets for the whole fam damily for next week. My husband has made sure our kids have an appreciation for all music, but Elvis is a family favorite so we're all going. The cast is incredible and they sound like they've been singing together forever. If you live anywhere near the area--you have to see this show.
Keep checking in for Christmas in July. We'll announce it later this weekend.
Have a good one!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

how paige got her groove back

Not the groove that Stella got, but one that is equally as satisfying for a lot of women. I got my shopping groove on today! I am once again invigorated and feel like Hodgepodge will be moving in a very exciting direction.

I've been killing myself trying to gather items for you and your homes and, today, I found many of them all in one place. I'm very excited. I've actually looked at this relatively new line at two previous markets, but found the minimum purchases at little high. However, the line is area protected--which means they won't sell to another store in your area--and I've found that might be a nice thing to have. I've ordered several new styles of tableware--vintage style but with the convenience of dishwasher and microwave safety. Too many table and home accessories to try to mention. All from the decorating and entertaining master, Mary Carol Garrity. I don't think I saw anything in her line that I wouldn't be happy to have in my store.

Another long considered line I finally decided jump into is Bethany Lowe Designs--a no brainer, really, but I still had to wait for the right time. I'll have to adjust some other orders, but it'll be worth it. Bethany Lowe does reproduction ornaments like no one else--they're amazing! I'm starting with a small selection, but they're wonderful.

I then ran out of her showroom in the direction of a showroom where I confirmed that I will be purchasing the coolest Halloween decorations I've seen in a LONG time. I can't tell you what they are, but I can tell you they'll be watching you. I'm still thinking about some beaded webs--no I'm not--I'm getting them. Just wait until you see!

I picked-up a few pieces of the broken china jewelry I love! Please come buy it before I take it home for myself!

I ordered the holiday fragrances for Caldrea--they'll be here in mid-September. You can look forward to Alpine Juniper Fig, Norwegian Angelica and Swedish Cloudberry Mint. Not exactly a big giveaway with the names, eh? Suffice to say they're all amazing and I can't decide which is my favorite, but I'm sure that won't last.
The biggest coupe, however, came after the market. I spent the better part of today looking for these darn (pun not intended, but I'll take it) fingerless gloves knit (get it? darn?) from bamboo. I have a pair that I wore a lot last winter--especially while at the register by our front door. I had so many customers comment on them, I had to find them. I was even asking a vendor rep in the MARTA station if his company sold them--he claimed they had whatever I was missing. Nice guy, but no gloves. Well, diligence, good, clean livin' and google finally paid off tonight. I found a wholesale rep for the company and even talked with the owner of the representative company--when I so rudely called at 9:30 PM on a Sunday! (Just a little excited!) I have been googling the manufacturer's name for months. Anyway--I hope you want them, cause I'm buying them!
Well, I need to close so I can get on the road early tomorrow. I understand I have a reluctant lock and petulant point of sale system waiting for me when I return! But first, I'll tend to the husband and kids.
Thanks for your indulgence.
PS Get ready for a little Christmas in July.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

day two

check please! i'm through, but i'm not.

i have two appointments tomorrow and many, many follow-ups. i'm a little more motivated at the end of day two than i was at the end of day one, though. i bought some things from several new lines--two of which i've been eyeing for a while now. one includes some absolutely amazing potpourris. (trust me, these are not your mama's potpourris!) another is a source for home accessories which will really help you put the final touches on any room in your house. it also provides a nice selection of items perfect for gifts. another vendor is going to help you pull your garden decor together with affordable, durable and light weight statuary. i've ordered something which will work nicely in the house or in the garden--i'm looking forward to some new merchandising ideas. dana herbert has some great new fabrics for her purses; plus, she added an adjustable strap to her map bag-style purse.

so, tomorrow i look at some of the old standards for holiday and spring stuff! i'll go order the caldrea holiday scents. i have to make some decisions about new tabletop stuff--linens and dishware. all i know is i have to be on the 20th floor of building one by 9 a.m. so i better get some sleep.
thanks for your indulgence.

Friday, July 11, 2008

twas the night before market . . .

and all through the day, I was running around wondering if I'd ever get away.
All the gods were against me, ma bell and the car, then I finally waved farewell, but didn't get far. One turn around, no two, and I was finally on my way, hoping to arrive in Atlanta before Friday!

I left Patty without reliabe phone service (therefore, no credit card processing) or internet; which means Kendall will have to deal with it first thing tomorrow. (As if I don't already owe her!)

Well, I'm here and I'm primed. Checked the schedule--which is relatively open, so I have a relaxed start tomorrow. As I've mentioned before, the best part of coming to the market is the fact that I get to spend the time with my cousin, Stacy, and her family. I love arriving here in Decatur and pulling up to their house. My kids are jealous, because they feel the same, yet our schedules can't seem to marry-up for them to visit, too. We'll do it soon, I promise. In the meantime, I've selfishly abandoned the family and have the Wisniewski Family all to myself. They're all here and rallied for a welcome beer, but then it's off to bed. At least I can have a leisurely start tomorrow morning.

The market, I'll have to share with thousands. Tomorrow, I have a few appointments, but I'll spend much of the time scoping-out new merchandise. I'll leave early so I can return to attend the jumble sale at Stacy's church--gotten a few good finds at that one before. Unfortunately, I brought the chic car (aka: the VW), which won't fit any large pieces. Darn those gas prices, which kept Flo corralled in Clarksville--that and her extraordinarily high mileage (about 268,000!)

So, I guess I better get my beauty rest so I can survive the gauntlet tomorrow. Saturday, however, will be the true test.

Thanks for your indulgence!
PS Recently determined I forgot the newly prescribed high blood pressure meds in TN--great!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

But Wait . . . There's More!!!

The additional 20% off clearance will continue through the 15th. I think this is the perfect opportunity to stock-up on gift items, BUNKO prizes and more. This means the items that were 50% off are now 70% off! (None of that fancy department store math for us--it's 50 plus 20, not 50 then 20--too much work!) So get in here and buy!

By way of announcement: coming soon to the Legion Street side of our little piece of heaven here in downtown Clarksville . . . ARTifacts! I'm working on plans for opening another shop to compliment our downtown. Darren and I have decided to hold-off on construction of the apartments on our third and second floors, so I've been trying to figure out what to do with that space in the meantime. I've finally come-up with a concept I think will work and will offer opportunities for others to have businesses of their own. We're going to open an arts and antique gallery, (aka: ARTifacts) on the second floor of our building. (The entrance is on Legion Street.) This will be an antique mall-like arrangement with a mix of art with the antiques. Right now, we're still in planning stages--we still need to add more electricity, along with other improvements. We're arranging staffing, advertising and other logistics. FYI: the entrance will not be handicapped or stroller accessible, as it's the second floor; there will be no A/C, but lots of fans. We will have heat, in the form of space heaters, during the winter months. The Gallery will be open about 40 hours/week. We will have a full staff with central check-out, but vendors/artists will be required to maintain their areas, pricing, etc. Further, additional "staffing" by the vendor/artists may be required on a limited and rotating basis (Saturdays and First Thursdays). Artists will be allowed to use their booth space in a studio fashion, as long as the booth is suitably sized and maintained. We will sell cold beverages and, possibly, ice cream, which should help with comfort levels during the heat of summer. I'd like to have the opening in early Fall--to coincide with the opening of the new and improved Legion Street.

Again, this is all preliminary and will likely be adjusted numerous times. I mention it now so I can get a reaction from my current customers and friends as to how you think this type of venue will be received. I'm also hoping to hear from those of you who might wish to participate in this venture. If you're interested in hearing more as plans develop, please email me at Please share this post with friends who may have an interest, as well.

Okay, this is turning into a long one, but I feel compelled to mention one more thing. This Thursday, at 2 PM, my son will be performing along side Mayor Piper and many other Clarksville residents in John McDonald's play, Headin' South, Goin' North. This is a one time shot, as part of the Clarksville Writer's Conference. Tickets are available at The Roxy for $10 or at The Roxy online for $15. The play tells the story of Charlie Lurton, a Civil War soldier and Clarksville native trying to return home. Absorb a little Clarksville color, while learning something--suitable for school aged children, too.

Okie dokie--that about covers it. I'll add a little something before I leave for market this Thursday.
Thanks for your indulgence!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day

I hope everyone has plans to enjoy and celebrate the birth of this great nation. I'm here at the shop for another couple of hours, then it's off to celebrate with our friends, the Smiths. Then we'll anxiously anticipate the arrival of our dear friends, Matt & Kate, along with their beautiful children, Peter and Maisey, tomorrow evening! I'm downright giddy!

This is a pic of the flag in my front window. It's rather large and I love it! So faded on this side--much brighter on the other.

Have a safe & happy fourth. Be careful with those fireworks!

PS Don't forget about the extra 20% off clearance items, through this SATURDAY only.