
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Calling All Artist

Pat Jones' premier at Art Walk. She's had a great month!

As many of you know, on the First Thursday of each month, downtown businesses are dedicated to our Art Walk and Wine events. You'll find downtown merchants open until 8 PM, with many hosting artists and providing refreshments. Pal's Package Store brings a variety of wines to The Roxy Regional Theatre for your edification and enjoyment. You can meet local artists, view and purchase their work, as well as take in "live art" at The Roxy. It's become a wonderful night of art, wine, and socializing.

The talents of Judy Lewis--one of our feature artists for June.

The point of this post, however, is to seek-out new artists. Many of our participating artists are stretched thin in a variety of venues. What we'd like to do is help new artists find venues in which to display their wares and gain more exposure for the products of their creativity.

Another Art Walk--last Fall I believe.

So, here's the official invite. If you're an artist or if you know an artist (please forward this to them) we're inviting you to contact us (the Downtown Clarksville Association) via this email address: In the subject line, please type ART WALK ARTIST. Give us a bio (artist statement) and attach photos of your work. We will make every effort to match you and your work with a downtown venue. (This is not just for Hodgepodge--it's for numerous other businesses in the downtown area.) Remember, since the works are displayed in independently owned businesses, the ultimate decision to display and/or sell your work rests with the owner/manager.

Please note, most businesses will allow you sell your merchandise on a consignment basis--rates determined by the business--so you really must have a decent inventory of items available for viewing and sale.

This opportunity is for folks who take their art seriously, so please be sure you're ready to commit before you submit. We will be counting on you to present yourself and your creations in a professional manner. We will be adding to our list of artists we will be able to contact for features during Art Walk evenings. So you may be contacted to participate next month or six months from now.

Pottery from Ken and Melody Shipley.

I'll close with a reminder that our next Art Walk and Wine will be June 5th, 5 - 8 PM. An announcement about our featured artist will be posted next week.

Thanks for your indulgence.


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