
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Tuesdays with Morrie and More . . .

Last night, I went with my friend, Dianne, to see Tuesdays with Morrie at The Roxy. It was an incredible production. If you've read the book--if you haven't--you'll love it. The truly talented Joe Sonensheim plays Mitch, Morrie's forever student and guides you through the years seamlessly. Jay Doolittle, not a new face to The Roxy, plays his role as Morrie with such aplomb that I am convinced I lost my friend. This is truly Jay's role. I will warn you, however, if you don't want to experience a thought-provoking opportunity to exam your life, your choices, your faith and your relationships, you shouldn't go. Morrie generously imparts wonderful wisdom to Mitch--not the least of which is forgiveness. He also addresses attitude--how you face life and how you handle others as you dance through it. He states, "Dying is one thing to be sad about, living unhappily is another thing." Mitch was blessed to have the opportunity to reconnect with his friend before his death--you will be blessed by the experience of this show, I promise. You may even receive "extra credit."

As for Hodgepodge, we're putting out new stuff daily. We've recently received our shipment of Plant Nannies, which sold out very quickly last time. You "plant" the terra cotta spikes in the dirt with your flowers, fill an empty wine bottle with water and invert the bottle into the spike; your plants will receive a steady of dose of water for several days. These are perfect for your summer container plants. They also make a great gift for your favorite gardener. Pair them with an unopened bottle of wine for a thoughtful hostess gift.

We've also got a Father's Day table. We've gathered a few gift ideas for Dad into one location.

If you'd like to have something framed for Dad, be sure to get it to us ASAP, so the we can get it back to you in a timely manner. Maybe a special picture drawn by the kids or a photo from your favorite family vacation--Dad will love it.
As I'll likely have more to add later, I'll end here. Have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks for your indulgence~

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Calling All Artist

Pat Jones' premier at Art Walk. She's had a great month!

As many of you know, on the First Thursday of each month, downtown businesses are dedicated to our Art Walk and Wine events. You'll find downtown merchants open until 8 PM, with many hosting artists and providing refreshments. Pal's Package Store brings a variety of wines to The Roxy Regional Theatre for your edification and enjoyment. You can meet local artists, view and purchase their work, as well as take in "live art" at The Roxy. It's become a wonderful night of art, wine, and socializing.

The talents of Judy Lewis--one of our feature artists for June.

The point of this post, however, is to seek-out new artists. Many of our participating artists are stretched thin in a variety of venues. What we'd like to do is help new artists find venues in which to display their wares and gain more exposure for the products of their creativity.

Another Art Walk--last Fall I believe.

So, here's the official invite. If you're an artist or if you know an artist (please forward this to them) we're inviting you to contact us (the Downtown Clarksville Association) via this email address: In the subject line, please type ART WALK ARTIST. Give us a bio (artist statement) and attach photos of your work. We will make every effort to match you and your work with a downtown venue. (This is not just for Hodgepodge--it's for numerous other businesses in the downtown area.) Remember, since the works are displayed in independently owned businesses, the ultimate decision to display and/or sell your work rests with the owner/manager.

Please note, most businesses will allow you sell your merchandise on a consignment basis--rates determined by the business--so you really must have a decent inventory of items available for viewing and sale.

This opportunity is for folks who take their art seriously, so please be sure you're ready to commit before you submit. We will be counting on you to present yourself and your creations in a professional manner. We will be adding to our list of artists we will be able to contact for features during Art Walk evenings. So you may be contacted to participate next month or six months from now.

Pottery from Ken and Melody Shipley.

I'll close with a reminder that our next Art Walk and Wine will be June 5th, 5 - 8 PM. An announcement about our featured artist will be posted next week.

Thanks for your indulgence.


Monday, May 26, 2008


Just a quick note to honor those who honor us everyday by choosing to serve.

God Bless America!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Return of the King

Hee, hee.

Our fearless family leader takes a break from educational pursuits and returns for the Memorial Day weekend. He will spend most of his time tending to his self-imposed chore list, but we expect to relax and enjoy some time with family and friends--

oh, my gosh . . . we interrupt our regularly scheduled blogging to bring you this very important breaking news . . . Harrison Ford is on Conan O'Brien. We'll pause for a moment. We're back. Funny, smart, good looking . . . flies helicopters! Definite correlations with real life. AND, he's a beer drinker! What a treat. But is it Harrison or Darren? Actually, both.

Okay. Enough of that.

So earlier tonight, Kendall, my sister and principal for BTR Designs, and I worked on my web site redesign until we were both cross-eyed. Now, in my defense . . . I realize this is incarnation 2,000,006 of a two-year-old web site, but understand that Kendall began her, now flourishing graphic design business, by practicing on my business. I really enjoy working with her and coming-up with new ideas. I'm very excited about our current direction. I was thinking about giving you a debut date, but--as I'm not new at this--I've thought better of that folly. I've watched a few other blogger/shopkeepers make and break those deadlines and felt their frustration, so suffice to say--it'll happen. Hopefully, this one will stick! Until, of course, Kendall learns a new trick and we want to try it out.

Which brings me to another, but related, subject. I was reading the blog of an extraordinary shopkeeper/blogger, Elizabeth Maxson, in which she was sharing information gleaned from a Country Living magazine conference for women entrepreneurs. She reported they advised:

"Go Ugly Early" meaning it is better to get it out and get it sold even if your site isn't really pretty. To which, she replied: I have to disagree with this piece of advice. Unless you are selling only spark plugs, duct tape, tires, or light bulbs, then maybe you can get away with this. Internet stores are popping up by the 1000's daily! After a while, they all look alike - unless you take time to make yours special. I really think it is important to not only make the site easy to navigate, but it must be eye-catching and fun to shop! I don't know whether to agree or not, but I do know that it's an important aspect of any 21st century business. I think there are definite benefits to getting out there early. At least buy that domain! If you've got an incredibly talented sister who will change things up at your whim, I guess it's okay to just get out there. I, fortunately, never experienced that "ugly" stage.

Well, this was a very random post. I hope you'll come back! Don't hold this one against me. It is almost 1 a.m. I promise it'll be a few days at least before my next post. Have a wonderful long weekend and remember the ultimate sacrifice made by those we honor this Memorial Day.

Thanks for your indulgence.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Minor Announcement

Minor for you . . . a bit more for me!

Hodgepodge will now have Monday hours. For the time being, you can now shop Hodgepodge Mondays between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. We may increase to our normal hours, but baby steps forward are better than giant steps back!

So the doors will be open--both of them--Monday. Unless it's a holiday--like this one . . . so tah, dah . . . I think I just took some wind out of my sail. See you the--wait, checking my calendar--the 2nd!

Okay, well then,how about this news . . . the T-SHIRTS are in. Yes--the new and improved (for hot-weather-wear) short sleeved version of our popular, out-the-door-as-soon-as-we-got-'em, "Femme de Junque" Hodgepodge exclusive t's. We like to think it's representative of the incredible taste and style demonstrated and evident in those of you who shop Hodgepodge. They are printed on incredibly comfy, vintage feel t-shirts and cost a measly $15.00!

And now, for my viewing pleasure . . . Chocolat . . .Every time I watch it, I'm amazed at the depth of the characters. Love this movie!
Thanks for your indulgence!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

We've got the stuff

All of it and then some! I mentioned in the previous post that we've just checked-in our shipment from a Belgium-based company. I found them when I went to the Atlanta market last January. There were one or two items I had to find at market during my last trip--simply to prove to myself that I could. For those of you who've never attended a wholesale market--especially the Americasmart in Atlanta--let me make a comparison. It's like looking for a book--one that you don't know the name or author of--in, say, The Library of Congress, without the benefit of a librarian or card catalog (remember those?), let alone a computer search!

Well, one of those things I had to find was a lantern I had seen somewhere--a book, magazine, oh I dunno--and wanted for Hodgepodge. I did it! It was the eleventh hour of my shopping experience and I was beat, so I wasn't even venturing down all of the aisles at this point. But then, the fairies who encourage our exhausted, achy shopkeeper souls, turned my head just in the nick-of-time to catch sight of my prey. Suddenly, I was revived and reinvigorated. It didn't take long to decide to place an order, for the lanterns as well as some other euro-vintage reproduction chandeliers, candeliers and bistro sets. They truly have a wonderful, European appeal.
The bistro set--suitable for outdoor use and very sturdy!

Candelier--awaiting it's candles.

A vintage-style euro chandelier.

You'll note I didn't include a picture of the lantern in question--you'll have to come to the shop to see it! I love it as much as I thought I would. It will have such a dramatic impact in any home.

I'm so pleased with these additions to Hodgepodge--I feel sure you will appreciate them as well.

Well, I think I'll focus my attention on Masterpiece Theater--The Cranford Series. Out satellite service is failing me and it's very frustrating, but I'm weeping and laughing all the same!

Thanks for your indulgence.


Friday, May 16, 2008

A Fun Time Was Had . . .

. . .by me, if no one else, but I think a few others had a good time, as well. In case you haven't noticed, most of these events are just feeding my need to be with people. And, as usual, you came through for me. It was a busy week and this little get-together was just what I needed!
We had a couple shipments arrive--remember that new Belgian company I mentioned after the market in January? No? You mean to tell me I'm the only one who's been anxiously awaiting the arrival of this stuff?!? Well, it's here, along with some new lamps and a few other items. More on that stuff later.
Let me share some of the items that we've decided to permanently markdown after our special event:
All of these items are now 30% off!

The polka dot plates, the flower plates, the mixing bowls and the pom-pom hand towels.

All of these beautiful candles from Fringe.

This classic thermos in one of two patterns.

All "hot chocolate" patterned items.

Here's a set of plates, perfect for a bridal shower or a princess birthday.

All of this handmade pottery with a swirl design.

All pharmacy and chemist ceramics.

These amazing gazing sphere candlesticks will had interest and dimension to your decor.

I'm sure there are more items I've left out, but these are the items I hastily photographed after our very long day. Please stop in the shop for a look see.

Thanks for your indulgence.


Thursday, May 8, 2008

See You Friday

In case you haven't heard . . .

You're invited--

Friday night, May 9th, between 5 - 8 PM for

Mint Juleps for Mama

this will be an evening of special shopping discounts, refreshments and door prizes.

Bring your mother, daughter, sister or friend.

Please join us!

I hope to see you at Hodgepodge.


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

bed covers

Now that you've got the bed--how will you dress it? Well, if I may make a few suggestions . . .

First, I encourage you to think "outside of the bag"--bed-in-a-bag, that is. You do not have to purchase your bedding all at once, all in one place and definitely, not all in one bag! At Hodgepodge, for instance, you'll find beds made-up with linens from three - five different suppliers.

When deciding on your bedding you first, before falling in love with that "dry clean only" silk comforter, should honestly appraise your bed activities and use. No--I'm not interested in THAT--I'm talking about things like: Do you have pets who enjoy your comfy bed? Do you prefer layers or one suitable cover? One flat pillow or three fluffy pillows? These are the sort of things which should be addressed when deciding how to dress your bed.

Taking these matters into consideration, you then have to consider your decorating scheme. My first bit of advice--for those of you who have a husband--is to leave him out of it. If you've got one of those hip, metro-sexual husbands who has out-of-the-ordinary good taste and style, we may allow an exception. For the most part they don't care, but will give an opinion if asked for one--so as to give the appearance of caring. My theory is that--out of all the rooms in the house--husbands care the least about the bedroom room decor. They just care that you're occasionally in there together and it's comfortable. I wouldn't choose this room for the six-inch, lace trimmed flat sheets--put those in the guest room to ensure short stays.

Do splurge on a high quality, high thread count sheet set. The items in contact with your skin--pillowcases and sheets should be the best quality you can afford. A good set will last years and is worth the initial investment. When you get those sheets--do you know how to put them on your bed? Do you make the hospital corners? Do you place your top sheet pattern down, so when it's turned back the pattern shows? (These are some of the many reasons home economic courses should be mandatory.) I learned from my Mom. My kids--including my son--will know how to properly make a bed when they leave our house.

You can choose quilts, comforters and/or duvets. In the winter, we have a heavy, comforter on our bed--we're talking lead weight! In the summer, we drop down to a light weight quilt, which you see here. I like layers, so I have two dust ruffles on my bed. I couldn't find dust ruffles of differing lengths, so I have a king size on the bottom (it's the chambray fabric) and a queen on the top (the brown hop sack cloth). I gathered the king-size dust ruffle in the center before topping it with the queen-size dust ruffle, in order to keep the king-size from dragging the floor. That's a crocheted table cloth at the foot of the bed--for visual interest. We have six pillows on the bed--plus the accent pillow--which my husband takes great pains to carefully place on the chest at the foot of the bed when we go to sleep . . . NOT! They get unceremoniously tossed to the floor, where our large, hairy dog gleefully snuggles into them. In his defense, he does try to stack them on the clothes hamper--if it's not overflowing.

Duvets are especially nice for the bed sharing pet owners. They slip over the bulky comforter--protecting it from hair and other pleasant pet deposits--and toss easily into the washer. The one in the pic is a pink paisley--paisley being a little less "girly" than flowers and sometimes passable for the Y-chromosome opinion holders.

(I have a green one too--more likely to slip than one by the guys.)

If you really want to accommodate the guys, I can recommend some bedding that will remind them of their "peanut gallery" days. (Okay--that's a throw back--even for me.)

Well, I hope that gives you an idea or two. If you'd like some suggestions, send me a picture of your bed and current bedding. We can try to put together a new look, hopefully using some of your existing linens, to make your bed a unique expression of you.

In the meantime, sweet dreams. Thanks for your indulgence.
