
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Another Gathering Behind Us

I hope my guests had as much fun as I did. The Spring Gathering was a big success and I'm pleased with event.

I had so much help making it happen. I spent the day prior traveling from Clarksville to Knoxville--pause for Hannah's State Gymnastics meet--then back to Clarksville. I dropped Hannah at a sleep-over birthday party, then to the grocery store for last minute supplies and home to start cooking!

Of course, I couldn't have done it if Kendall had not been willing and able to run the shop for me. Patty also provided a big bail-out by coming in for and unscheduled work day. Then Hunter (my eldest daughter) came in after school to help get the rest of the surprise shipment of Spring merchandise on the floor.
What a team! The boutique looked great when I (again with Hunter) arrived at 8 a.m. on Saturday. She jumped through the proverbial hoops to help me put the final touches on the tables and other displays. Kendall made a quick run to Big Lots for the incredible Limoncello cakes we rely on frequently. Then she was on hand for all of the last minute fun and the first several hours of customer service.

The new merchandise added a fresh touch to the displays--they blended easily with the general style of Hodgepodge, but tweaked the look for Spring. We also received a new supply of Boll Weevil Soaps. We replenished our best sellers--Southern Man, Southern Romance, Butterfly Kisses and Olive Branch; we added Pink Cotton Blossom (be sure to let us know what you think about it).

Thanks to everyone who came out for our open house event. I'm always surprised and grateful for the amount of support and interest Clarksville residents show for Hodgepodge.

Thanks for your indulgence!


PS--Hannah had a great meet--9.0's and higher on all events--we're so proud of her.

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