
Monday, April 28, 2008

Vintage Beds

I've decided to do a quick post regarding beds and bedding might be in order--mainly because I've recently added two more beds to the Hodgepodge inventory! Beds take up a little bit of room in a small shop. So, let me introduce you to a few beds you could add to your home:

This is a gorgeous wood bed with a lovely, chippy paint, while preserving the beautiful floral detail and carvings. It has matching wood side rails and all of the original finials, too. It's full size. It's $235.

This full size iron bed is going to be a lovely addition to a romantic or shabby chic bedroom. I already have a potential buyer, but it's "on approval" so if you like it, let me know. I can give you a call if they decide against it. It has beautiful detailing. This one has a $275 price tag.

This is a wonderful metal bed with a faux wood finish. The paint detail is classic and beautiful. It even has all of it's original wood casters. There are minor scratches here-and-there, but otherwise it's a great bed. Guess what? It's full size! This one is a steal at $150.

This iron bed has a nice, sturdy tube-style frame with more delicate interior iron details. It's a great choice for a kids room. It's chippy with a little rust, which I love! I've preserved the finish with a clear top coat. It will look great with a floral bed cover, some lace accents and, perhaps some mosquito netting. This full-size bed, another steal, at $150.
There are several other choices available at Hodgepodge. Please drop in for a closer look.
Tomorrow, I'll make some suggestions for bedding.
Thanks for your indulgence.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

April Enewsletter

I hope that if you click on the picture above, it will enlarge.
Note that the CORRECT date for
Mint Juleps for Mama
is May 9th, 5 - 8 P.M.

See you here!


Friday, April 25, 2008

OOPS! Wrong date.

In my enewsletter, I provided the wrong date for the Mint Juleps for Mama event. I should have marked the date as May 9th, not the 8th. So, please join us:

Friday, May 9th between 5 - 8 P.M.

for a special night of shopping, gifts, discounts and refreshments intended for the mother, daughter, sister . . .

In the meantime, look at what 's just arrived:

These beautiful botanicals are originals reprinted on canvas--they're rather large. If my sister Nikki reads this--she'll fall in love!

My girlfriend, Kate, will love the wine riddler above. She knows more about wine than I could ever hope to--but I do know I'd love to have one of these full of mediocre merlot!
This lovely stand is almost too pretty to cover with a book, but if you'd like to prop your favorite book for display or need a helping hand while cooking--this stand will provide attractive service.

These shabby coasters are a Hodgepodge favorite. Back for a third engagement and moving quickly!

New arrivals from Gourmet du Village arrived today--too late to add to the pics here, but trust that our old favorites are back and will be present for the Mint Juleps for Mama event.

Thanks for your indulgence!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Clarksville--Tennessee's Top Spot

Have you seen it? Do you get it?

I have to admit, I've been pretty excited at the prospect of a new logo and slogan for Clarksville. I never really "got" the old one, "Gateway to the New South." My friend translated it as "Back door to the Old North." Don't "get" that either, but it was funny nonetheless.

At the unveiling, I have to admit, I was, initially, a little less than overwhelmed, but then it clicked.

It works for everything . . . Clarksville, Tennessee's Top City . . . for _________(fill-in the blank!). Top City for arts and heritage; Top City for boating; Top City for education. What a concept! It's good for what we're good for! It's ever changing and adaptive.

What I still don't get is the negative response and commentary the logo continues to receive. If you've made the mistake, as I have, of reading the blog comments following the article in The Leaf Chronicle, you'll understand. In fact, the effect of all of that negativity was to make me realize how much I like the logo!

It's my opinion (and that's just what it is, an opinion) that our current government is making valuable strides in "putting Clarksville on the map." Wanna know why? If our city becomes a destination location--a place people plan to visit--our residents will benefit. The typical refrain in the Leaf comments blog expressed curiosity as to why we're worried about our outside image ("putting Clarksville on the map") when we've got so many local issue that need to be addressed. Let me see if I can explain--although, if you're reading this you probably already understand, as I find Hodgepodge customers and friends are of superior intelligence and understanding. As TN has no state income tax, we are an economy reliant on sales and property taxes. In order to generate that type of revenue--people need to buy things! Well, wouldn't it be nice if the percentage of the people spending their money here in Clarksville were temporary visitors? They come and drop tax dollars into our coffers, then go home? We don't have to educate their kid or provide any other benefits. Or, they come and visit and decide Clarksville is great place to be and decide to move here. Over simplified, but there it is. That's why we need to worry about our image--in order to fund all of the improvements we'd like to see take place in our community we need to generate tax dollars.
So when you hear about the improvements being made to Legion Street and think it's a waste of money, remember that a great deal of our visitors are coming downtown, they're observing this:

There's a reason Franklin Street is one of our most photographed and featured images of Clarksville--it's unique, attractive, gives a sense of history, while offering the amenities of the 21st century. Legion Street--not quite there.

Again, if you're reading this you probably already understand.

Thanks for your indulgence!


Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Last chance: High School Musical at The Roxy Regional Theatre. I think you need to get tickets for tonight or Thursday night, because Fri & Sat are sold-out.

It's that time of year again--time for the annual Clarksville Rivers & Spires Festival. The time when regular activity comes to a screeching halt and the streets are closed for a host of irregular activities! (Okay--not the best way to sell the event, but it's true.) This is a huge operation--growing each year. Beginning Thursday afternoon we'll experience street closures and other inconveniences, but it's all well worth it!

This year's event promises to be the best yet, with six stages and block after block of fun and activities. Be sure to hit the arts vendors, set-up in the the lower parking lot of City Hall. Several of our feature artists will be participating and you'll be able to shop their full lines. Then you'll need to roll on over to the wine tasting event at my favorite downtown church--Trinity Episcopal. Each year Trinity hosts about a dozen wineries on its grounds. For the price of a $10 arm bands, you can sample as many of the wines as you like--for as long as you like. They'll have additional events in the area, including a few wine & food pairing workshops. Those are first come, first serve--for folks with the armband. Check out this page for details.

Please, please, please remember, businesses will be open as usual, so if you're willing--we're able. While I wouldn't plan on picking-up a large pieces of furniture this weekend, you'll still find some good deals with many of the businesses.

I do encourage you to visit the Rivers & Spires web site so you can make your plans.

Thanks for your indulgence!


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Femme de Junque

The t-shirts are here and available for purchase.

This is an original design for Hodgepodge--meant to be representative of the unique style and flair of our Hodgepodge shoppers. The design was screen printed onto these wicked soft, light weight, vintage-style long sleeve t-shirts. They have a longer length, with an actual shape--not boxy--the neck is loose and comfy. The introductory price is only $15.00.

They're available in s - xl. I can also have the design printed on a different style t-shirt for 2xl wearers.

I still have a few t-shirts in stock--so contact me quickly!
PS--before you spend hours trying to translate the the meaning of "Femme de Junque" I'll let you in on something--it's a nod toward the stylish french "femme" is lady; "de" is of; "junque" is frenglish for junk.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Another Gathering Behind Us

I hope my guests had as much fun as I did. The Spring Gathering was a big success and I'm pleased with event.

I had so much help making it happen. I spent the day prior traveling from Clarksville to Knoxville--pause for Hannah's State Gymnastics meet--then back to Clarksville. I dropped Hannah at a sleep-over birthday party, then to the grocery store for last minute supplies and home to start cooking!

Of course, I couldn't have done it if Kendall had not been willing and able to run the shop for me. Patty also provided a big bail-out by coming in for and unscheduled work day. Then Hunter (my eldest daughter) came in after school to help get the rest of the surprise shipment of Spring merchandise on the floor.
What a team! The boutique looked great when I (again with Hunter) arrived at 8 a.m. on Saturday. She jumped through the proverbial hoops to help me put the final touches on the tables and other displays. Kendall made a quick run to Big Lots for the incredible Limoncello cakes we rely on frequently. Then she was on hand for all of the last minute fun and the first several hours of customer service.

The new merchandise added a fresh touch to the displays--they blended easily with the general style of Hodgepodge, but tweaked the look for Spring. We also received a new supply of Boll Weevil Soaps. We replenished our best sellers--Southern Man, Southern Romance, Butterfly Kisses and Olive Branch; we added Pink Cotton Blossom (be sure to let us know what you think about it).

Thanks to everyone who came out for our open house event. I'm always surprised and grateful for the amount of support and interest Clarksville residents show for Hodgepodge.

Thanks for your indulgence!


PS--Hannah had a great meet--9.0's and higher on all events--we're so proud of her.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

inspiring work space

I've found a new blog I enjoy checking in with occasionally, it's called Minding Her Business. This is a description of what she does in her own words: Cynthia Martyn is a Certified Coach who mentors women entrepreneurs to create businesses that bring them personal joy and professional prosperity. I thought, hey, I'm a woman entrepreneur and I could use some personal joy and professional prosperity. I'm hoping her blog will help!

The first post of Cynthia's I read was regarding an "Inspiring Workspace." (which was actually from another blog--click link to find it) It's a workspace another blogger/designer put together for her friend. It's cute; looks very organized, but . . . I'm suspicious. Was everything the friend actually works with tossed into a closet? Thrown in a handy laundry basket and kicked across the room prior to the photo shoot? How can people work like that? More to the point--why can't I work like that?

Determined to figure this out, I came in the next day and took this photo. This is my workspace. It always looks like this. Each day I vow it will change and it does--it slips away, re-stacks, is added to and it mocks me!
The worst part is, this is my wrap desk! This is what my customers see.
Okay--maybe there is something to this blog-style journaling. It's bad enough when I admit it to myself or a few friends, but now that I know anyone can read this (unless of course I chicken-out and fail to post this draft entry), I'm feeling like such a loser.
I vow that it will at least appear neater today. I bought an office center wardrobe from another business about a month ago, but I've stalled-out with the actual move my operation to the rear of the shop. I've got lots of excuses, but none of them are worth the embarrassment of this mess! I don't know how Patty and Jennifer have put-up with it.
Let me clarify, however, that I am doing this because it's my wrap desk and shouldn't be my office space. (I suppose this sounds like the denial of a typical addict.) Perhaps I am addicted to the chaos of my workspace. The fact is it's how I've always operated. If I put it away, it won't get done. The move to the rear of the shop--behind the curtain--makes me nervous, as most of my day is spent behind the wrap desk or helping customers--I can't be stuck in the back. I have to squeeze in the book work when I can.
Any ideas? Are there other any other right-brainers out there who have mastered this aspect of your lives?
A friend forwarded this right brain v left brain test a while ago--kind of cool. I actually see her moving both ways, but predominantly clockwise. No wonder I can't commit to clearing my wrap desk--I'm confused about which side of my brain is in control! It's not my fault! (Am I a great American, or what?) In fact . . . it's my mother's fault! She's a "stacker" from way back. We both make piles. We both save things we think we'll have time to read, but don't. Oh well, the stacking method works for me. I just shouldn't share it with my customers.
I had a revelation about my stacking problem the other day--it's creeping into to other areas of my daily life. I even stack on my computer! I pile-up files on that little bar across the bottom of the screen (all the left-brainers out there are cringing at my lack of computer terminology). I leave the computer on so I can access it remotely and weed through my stacks while watching a movie with the kids. Hi, my name is Paige and I'm a stackaholic.
Today is the day!
But just in case, does anyone have the location of the nearest Stackers Anonymous meeting?
Thanks for your indulgence.

PS If you've got the evening open, I hope you'll join us downtown for our First Thursday Art Walk and Wine, from 5 - 8 PM. Visit the Downtown Clarksville Association web site for more information.