
Wednesday, May 23, 2007

the party's over . . . no just beginning

I don't how to change the date, but I'm actually posting this on June 18th.

Here comes the weekend . . . no weekend in particular--just one more opportunity to get some chores done, run the errands, watch the kids soccer game and so on, and so forth.

So when it's all done--the "honey do" list is shorter, but ever present--what are you looking forward to? Why not throw a party? It doesn't have to be huge, it doesn't have to have a reason (ie.: graduation or Memorial Day)--it just needs to happen. You deserve it, as do those lucky friends you'll invite!

Make it easy. Offer one or two meats and drinks, ask friends to bring the side dishes. Now, I'm a bit of a prig on this subject--I use my everyday china, flatware, and cloth napkins, but I do not insist that you do the same--as if my insistence would sway you! I just find it easier--I know I've always got them; I don't have to buy extras as the grocery store. Fill a wash tub with ice and add beverages. Pull out the citronella candles--arrange some votive candles in a collection of glasses or mason jars. Wash the patio furniture and you're ready! Okay, there's a little more to it, but don't over do it.

Here's a favorite marinade I gleaned from my cousin, Stacy: 1/3 C soy sauce, 1/3 C brown sugar and 1/3 C bourbon. It's great on beef or pork--start marinading the night before. If you want to get a little more involved, buy corn on the cob. Clean it and butter it before wrapping with foil. Roast on the grill. (Stir in a little of the Chipolte Seasoning from Gourmet du Village with the butter for extra flavor. I know where you can buy some . . .) I've also recently added a no-bake margarita cheesecake to the offerings from GduV, too. In fact, there's something to take you from appetizers and drinks to dessert and coffee! I'll have a sampling of their offerings at each of the First Thursday Art Walk and Wine events (not above bribery . . .)

I'm thinking about adding some workshops or demonstrations in the coming months. Any ideas? Is there anything you'd like to learn? I figure if I don't know how to do it--I can find someone who does and we can collaborate! Suggestions are not only welcome--they're downright necessary! Table setting? Flower arranging? Party planning? I'm open.

Thanks for your indulgence.

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