
Friday, April 26, 2013

inspiration resources

ever felt like you are the only person on the face of the earth suffering from a severe lack of creativity? of inspiration? of motivation?

well, here I sit—wondering where my “c.i.m.” is, so I started perusing blog list and the answer is no.  no one else appears to be suffering from a lack of c.i.m.

did you know in australia, the 25th of april is anzac day?  my friend tanya posted a poignant tribute on her blog, suburban jubilee.

and then there is the amazing pam garrison who is working on this great commitment to document her “project life” (now into week 13), plus all kinds of other creativity she manages to squeeze in as well.  (it’s enough to make a girl feel like a total failure!)


then there is my friend, kimberly jones, who not only participated in one of jeanne oliver’s workshops, but she actually took what she learned and made this . . .

Lovely Day Painterly Collage Art Journal Cover via Serendipity Vintage Studio


and finally, my upstairs neighbor, kimberly santiago—having veered off our mutually-agreed-to complacency path—took another stroll down the road of productivity and added these kits to her inspired inventory.

bangle 8

this is just a sampling of all of the productive and creative folks out there accomplishing great things.

so, tell me, how do you overcome your creative obstacles?

thanks for your indulgence.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

changes are afoot

there are few things that get me as jazzed about being a shopkeeper as doing a BIG switch-a-roo at the shop.  we have new things rolling into the shop, so my creative juices have been flowing.   it takes  a while to build-up to making such a big change, but once i decide the major pivot points—so to speak—we start the shuffling.  we move the small pieces off of the display furniture, reposition the furniture and start putting it all together again. 

we work the new merchandise into the displays and show new ways to use and display the items we have had for a while.  what better way to show folks that we offer home décor that they will use year ‘round?  i mean, when you decorate for the various seasons you choose to celebrate, you don’t move all of your existing furniture and accessories out of the house—you make additions (along with a few subtractions).

I hope, if you live nearby, you will come in for a “look-see” yourself, but here are a few pictures to show you a few of our changes.


table one

table one 2

table two

wall right

wall center

wall entire

new display

angel table

front table

front wall


bed bench

middle table

coffee table


cupboard wall


tiered table

blue light

black cupboard

I will be posting some detail shots of the inventory and displays later this week, but as I said—I hope you plan to come for a visit soon.

thanks for your indulgence,


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

It’s a Wrap!

Why yes, it is a wrap . . . it’s also a scarf, a sarong and even a table topper!
We have just received several shipments of spring and summer scarves in a multitude of patterns, shapes and sizes—many of which can be used in a variety of ways.  Stop in the shop for a closer look-see or give us a call for to arrange shipping, 931-647-0444.
This multi-striped scarf has been our best seller in many colors and incarnations (fall to spring).  it is now available in aqua, green, white (shown) and pink for only $12.95.
Bright, light weight scarf with beaded fringe—available in purple, orange, pink, green (shown), yellow, aqua and blue.  $12.95

bright stripes scarf (light weight and super soft)—predominant colors of each scarf are:  aqua and purple, green and orange, bright green and pink (shown).  $17.50

Medallion print scarf (suitable as a sarong, too)—available in pink, olive (shown) and salmon.  $22.50

Baisc ikat print scarf in orange, yellow, taupe and pink (shown).  $18.75

Dotted paisley edged scarf, grey and pink (shown), green and pink or blue and purple. $18.75

Bird silhouette scarf—ivory background (shown) or pink background.  $37.50

Birds on a wire scarf, trimmed in lavender (shown), pink or green.  $35.00

I love wearing scarves—which translates into a large selection of scarves available at Hodgepodge!
Thanks for your indulgence,