
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

More Distractions Arrive Today

The new issues of Artful Blogging (May/June/July 2012), Where Women Create (May/June/July 2012) and Somerset Studio (May/June 2012) are in at Hodgepodge.  You know what that means . . . the previous issues of each publication are half-price with the purchase of the current issue.


That’s right—you can look forward to twice the inspiration for a fraction of the price.

Now, in case you need some help deciding where to start . . . I’m here for you!

Let’s say you’ve decide to pursue your interest in mixed media arts, then Somerset Studio is your choice. 


Did you know that every issue of Somerset Studio includes “Art to Borrow” pages?  Beautiful art for you to use in your own creative process.  Pages like:



If you’re inspired by the spaces where others do their creating, Where Women Create will be cover-to-cover read in a single sitting.


You might want to start with the article about the creator of the incredible flea market event known as “Remnants of the Past.”  Unfortunately for my local readers, this event is in California, but this article brings it into your home with gorgeous photography.



And the one that hooked me for all of the rest is Artful Blogging.  Love, love, love this one.  Each time they arrive at the shop, I know I will have a hard time focusing on the work that needs to be done.


This issue is phenomenal!  The article by Jennifer Rizzo about her process of blogging—her photography is amazing.


So, now you know what I’ll be doing . . .

Don’t forget to pick-up you half-price past issues!  (I’ll ship.)

Thanks for your indulgence,


Sunday, April 15, 2012

An Attempt to Embrace Spring

This time of year always finds me struggling with the love of gardening—the desire to enjoy some quality patio time with family and friends—and the knowledge that the heat of summer will be on the heals of this short-lived season.

So, I decided to make an effort today.  I took my camera into the garden and took a close look at the “positives” of the season.

I was also attempting to take better photos with my SLR camera.  While I was pleased with the results, they don’t seem to be transferring to this software.  Anyhoo, I will learn how to take better pictures, but in the meantime I hope you enjoy my yard!



The garden on the right as you approach our patio area.


We’ve discovered a few plants that really like Clarksville, TN—Lamb’s Ear is one.


The Salvia is a great contrast to the Coreopsis in the background—then backed be the Hosta.


(Umm . . . can’t remember, but it’s beautiful isn’t it?)


Looking forward to the blossoms on this hydrangea!


New Calla Lily with begonias.


Lavender plant from last year—was even able to over winter this one right here in these pots!  The only plus about our too mild, too short winter.



The herb garden is already filling-out—the sage is lovely.


Horseradish—I will do a better job of harvesting it this year.  The angel my dad gave me is extra special.


Can I grow some oregano or what?


My Lemon Thyme is huge this year!


More of that Lamb’s Ear and Bearded Irises.


This bush will soon be covered in blooms like this . . .



Irises in front of a chair with the perfect patina.


Solomon’s Seal—the flowers are fading, but they are still lovely.


Not the prettiest garden, but we’re working on it.  This has been our challenge . . . we intend to declare victory this year.


This is how we’re dealing with the erosion issue.  (Our neighbor wasn’t aware you could grow wine bottles until these appeared.)


The only portion of the garden to enjoy a little mulch.  A few more wine bottle ledges before we add more mulch.


Oak Leaf Hydrangeas are my favorite Hydrangeas.


So have I mentioned how well the Lamb’s Ear grows?  I look forward to the Wisteria climbing our new arbor.


The view over my left shoulder in from my favorite chair . . . the Adirondack chair my husband made for us more than 20 years ago.

Okay, perhaps Spring does have some redeeming qualities.
