
Friday, December 30, 2011

only 18 days . . .

I know the holidays are behind us, but I finally have time to catch-up.  This was my article for the Leaf Chronicle on Dec 11th  As it is Dec 30th, I will be posting the remainder of the December articles in “rapid fire successions.”  I think I feel a New Year’s resolutions forming.

The countdown is on the chalkboard. The other day it occurred to me that we’re less than twenty days out from Christmas! YIKES! So, I wrote this on my chalkboard, “Only 18 days left to decorate, shop, bake, clean and . . .”

18 days chalkboard

Just for the record, it still reads “18” days. (You do the math.) Raise your hand if you’re in denial, as well. If I don’t change it, maybe the days will magically remain. What happened to “the gift of time” I waxed on about two weeks ago? Where’d it go?

I’ll tell you where—to work. I have been so busy at the shop and with clients that I haven’t had time to do any of the necessary preparations for our household. Throw-in a backed-up sewer line, a few volunteer commitments, and a few loads of laundry and you have a really full schedule.

I’m sure each and every one of you can relate to this dilemma. Remember, misery loves company.

But wait, is that a fully decorated Christmas tree I see through your picture window? And those lights on your house, I know they haven’t been there all year. And, thank you, thank you for the lovely Christmas Greeting with the well-coordinated-in-red-attire photo of your family. When did you find the time to get all of that done? I mean, the family photo alone would be an impossible feat of scheduling for our crew.

Yet, I promised myself I wouldn’t stress out this year.

Then, the phone call that alerts me my daughter’s MRI for her wrist has to be rescheduled due to a problem with the machine. Dad was going to take her on Friday; now Mom has to take her—to Nashville—on Wednesday (a day previously set aside for some shopping and decorating). That means another week of no gymnastics—she is not going to like that. (I begged and pleaded, but I couldn’t get the MRI scheduling tech to call my daughter for me.) Another day—lost—and it hasn’t even happened yet! I’m mourning the loss of a future day.

Still not stressing.

It will all be fine. Once I submit this article, then run home to take and send the lovely photo accompanying it, I’ll then have a few hours before I return to downtown to join dear friends for a toast to the season. I can use that time to add lights to the tree we must get decorated this weekend. That’s how it will happen—in stages.

As you are running around trying to accomplish it all—think about the decorating you can do in stages. For instance, all of my trees are up. Tonight I’ll decorate the aluminum tinsel tree and return the boxes to storage. Tomorrow, I’ll aim for decorations on a different tree and in the kitchen.

You’ve got the general idea. I do make use of the teenagers in the house. They bring down and return the storage boxes as directed. I’m responsible for most of the decorating, but the youngest is anxious for it to happen, so she may start setting-up the nutcrackers or Santa Claus figures.

Her first chore however is to vacuum the floors so the fur balls will stop chasing me as I frenetically spin through the house, wondering what to do next. They just mock my futility and I will not stand for that—it stresses me out!

Thanks for your indulgence!


Friday, December 9, 2011

The Gift of Time

This was my Leaf Chronicle article for Nov 27th—unfortunately, there was a mix-up and it wasn’t published, well, at least not under my byline.  Then they ran it last week—so it’s actually two weeks old.  Regardless, I’ll share it with you now:


As I write this, there is a lovely sunrise on this cool, clear day. I am repositioning my writing table so I enjoy it. Still not a direct view, but I can see it reflected in my neighbor’s windows.

Today, I will head to the shop early to prepare for what I hope will be a busy day of shoppers and visits with my Hodgepodge friends. I hope to hear stories of Thanksgiving successes and mishaps. I also hope everyone is in the frame of mind that this season should bring--a season of love and sharing.

We shouldn’t be stressed-out about the holidays. We should be able to enjoy it and not dread it. Actually, I’ve never dreaded the holidays, but I have been stressed. This year, I am determined to be stress free. Already, I’m noticing things don’t feel rushed.

vintage advent calendar

I feel that we’ve been given some extra time this year. Thanksgiving was early--we still have nearly a full week of November left. So, there you go--the gift of time! A little extra time to prepare--to do your shopping, to plan your menus, to decorate your home. You’re welcome.

gift of time

No, really. I want you to have it.

Okay, so the gift wasn’t from me, but it’s for you and it’s what you’ve always wanted:

More time.



Today, I’m going to attempt to map-out the rest of my year. I have a calendar full of appointments with clients, volunteer meetings and various other obligations, but I haven’t figured out when I will decorate our house for the holidays. Today, I plan to put that on the schedule.

This weekend the kids did me the huge favor of prepping the storage area for easier access to the Christmas decorations. They went through our storage boxes full of clothes to determine what could be donated and what could be handed down to cousins. They loaded six--no, more than that--of those lawn-sized garbage bags into the car. I haven’t had the opportunity to go see, but I am sure that opened-up a huge amount of space in our storage area. (I will try to leave it open--I tend to fill those spaces far too easily!)

So with that chore out of the way, we should be able to get to the decorating right away. That was the goal of my youngest. She wanted to start bringing down the tree and decorations on Thanksgiving day! Nope, not ready for that!

I will, however, allow them to set-up the tree and determine the status of our lights, but no ornaments. We may go ahead and set-up the smaller trees, too--those we can decorate.

hydrangea tree

Some folks have had their Christmas decorating schedule down in their books of traditions since time immemorial. I envy those people. They know when their trees will be decorated, the presents purchased and Christmas cards sent. I’ve never been one of those people. I get a lot done, but it’s not on any predetermined schedule. It just happens.

It happens in between the hours spent at the shop, the husband’s new work schedule and the kids’ school and activities. Somehow it all happens and we have fun getting there!

That wraps-up the article.  I wrote the follow-up article yesterday—to be published this Sunday.  It’s a great counterpoint to this one.

Thanks for your indulgence.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

An easy slip cover for dining chairs

While preparing for a presentation to the lovely ladies of the Ft. Campbell Officers’ Spouses Club, I was trying to think of some easy, inexpensive decorating ideas, projects or transformations I could share with the group.  I was able to throw together a 20 minute talk which included tips about making the transition from Thanksgiving to Christmas.
One of the ideas I came-up with was for a quick-and-easy dining room chair slipcover.  This project was fairly well received, so I thought I’d share it with you here.
flour sack cover
What you’ll need:
flour sack towels (2 per chair)
acrylic paint
fabric medium
make-up sponges
paper for practice

I got my flour sack towels at Dollar Tree.  They are thinner and none of them is the same size as the next, but I really like the gauze-like thinness of the fabric because they lend a very diaphanous, ethereal look to my slipcovers.
They are perfect for tea staining if you’d like a vintage look.  I stained this towel with green tea bags—it was all I had I the house, besides Lady Grey (and those are reserved for sipping!).  Generally, I would prefer to use the Red Rose brand tea bags—lots of them—because I prefer the color derived from that brand, plus they sometimes offer those darling little Wade Pottery animals in their packages!
tea stained flour sack
Pre-wash and dry the towels. 
Place two of the towels, right sides together, pinning along the two long sides and one short side.  You’ll end-up with a pillowcase like construction.
Turn the slipcover right side out.
I decided to try a practice run of the stencil on some paper.  I wanted to check the scale of the letter, as compared to the bracket stencils.  I think the letter is a little small, but was much easier to use pre-cut stencils than to make my own.  When I make  complete set for our chairs, I’ll likely make my own stencil.
letter stencilbracket stencil
Once you’ve decided on your design, you can get started stenciling on the slipcovers.  First mix your acrylic color with the textile medium according to the instructions on the bottle of medium.  I suggest you insert paper inside the cover, where you plan to stencil, to prevent  it seeping through to the other side.
I used a make-up sponge to apply the paint to the stencil and fabric.  I just pounced the sponge in the paint, then on the slipcover.
Once dry, you are ready to drop the slipcover on the chair. 
cinched flour sack
I love the casual, slouchy look and will definitely use this during the summer, but I also liked adding a little more shape by gathering the fabric on the inside and securing with a safety pin.  This would be the perfect place to add an accent of sprigs of pine or the such.  I also demonstrated the use of tassels at the top corners, again allowing for a more fitted look. 
This is definitely a project you can get done in a couple of hours.
I’m sure I left out some major details in these instructions, but you know where to find me if you have questions.
Let me know if you try this project and how they turn-out.
Thanks, as always, for your indulgence.

I'm trying a few linky parties--take a look for yourself:

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thoughts on Thanksgiving

(My Leaf Chronicle article for Nov 20th)

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. One thing I’ve noticed as I get older, a survey of my peers results in the same opinion. Most of us prefer Thanksgiving over Christmas. Further, most of site the same or similar reasons—less hubbub! Not so much to do to prepare for it—just fix some dinner and invite the family and friends over. It’s almost like any other Sunday for many of us—just more food.

Some of us travel. Well, that’s an understatement, being that it’s the most traveled holiday, but as I am retailer, I gave up even the thought of traveling on Thanksgiving! I don’t have those crazy 3 A.M. sales at Hodgepodge, but it’s a busy weekend anyway, so I can’t imagine being away.

So, for the past nine years, Thanksgiving has been at the King Kompound and that makes me VERY happy. My sister, Kendall, and her family are always part of the day and for that I am grateful. Between the two of us, we whip-up some rather tasty dishes that generally leave us quite satisfied.

Every year we try to think of some new dishes to prepare, but we’re hesitant to give up the tried and true recipes that we all enjoy. So, we usually make them all! This has really become a problem, because we just keep adding to an already large menu. Desserts alone are numbering close to the double digits!

One year I ventured on the wild side and made a dish using baby Brussels sprouts. They were amazing—even my youngest went back for seconds. The problem is I have less-than-no idea where that recipe went. I have tried replicating it—with acclaims and adoration pouring forth from Kendall who happily attests, to those being subjected to my experiments, that the original recipe was truly delicious. It’s very frustrating.

Tonight I will sit down with my cookbooks. I’m going to find a new vegetable recipe—one that doesn’t involve Brussels sprouts, but I do want it to be unusual. I’d also like a different green salad recipe. I’m looking forward to perusing my extensive cookbook collection for something mouthwatering.

I also need to do a little preparation for our table setting. I think I’ve written about the fact that I use a painter’s drop cloth canvas for our tablecloth before, but this year I want to make it fitted. I hope to find the time to cut it apart and create the tablecloth I’ve always intended it to be. If it doesn’t get done for Thanksgiving—it will get done for Christmas—even if I have to pay someone to do it for me!

As I think about my plans for my table setting this year, I decided to look back at pictures from years past (Yes, I take pictures of my table settings—when I remember—they come in handy for blogs and newspaper articles.). I really did like the table last year. I used a primitive three-tiered display, loaded down with gourds, pumpkins and Indian corn, as my centerpiece. As mentioned last week, a length of burlap served as the topper on my drop cloth.

dinner table settings 001dinner table settings 002dinner table settings 015dinner table settings 026dinner table settings 027

I have to say—this was one of my favorite settings. And, true to the nonsense I spew at luncheons and other meetings I’m asked to attend as the speaker, I used the same basic setting for Christmas. I only changed the centerpiece.

(Of course, true to my form of these past few months, I failed to take any pictures of this year’s table.  The place settings were almost identical, but my centerpiece was simple.  I just used my twelve hole sugar mold with my artichoke votives.)

I’d love to hear about some of you Thanksgiving traditions, trials and tribulations.

Thanks for your indulgence,


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Can She Really write MORE about Burlap?!?!

(my Leaf Chronicle article  for a day in novemeber . . .)


As I type this, we are preparing for a fall decorating workshop. Kendall will be teaching how to make a burlap wreath and I will teach how to make a banner echoing the sentiment of the season, “grateful.” The banner also incorporates burlap.

burlap wreath

grateful banner

Have you noticed a theme here? Heck, I think I mention it in most of my articles—burlap. I love it! I use it in a variety of ways, I buy products made out of burlap for the shop and I would probably wear it if it were softer!

“Wear it if it were softer, you say, Paige?”

Well, darn if Patty didn’t bring in some of the softest burlap I’ve ever felt! She told me she had heard that you could wash it in hot water, dry it and it would soften-up like linen. So I gave her a piece we had lying around and she experimented with it.

She washed it in hot water, with detergent and an extra amount of liquid softener. Then she tossed it in the dryer. Viola! A soft, slightly shrunken piece of burlap emerged. She said it did make quite a mess of her washer and dryer (so don’t do this with a load of black socks), but I do believe I’ll be trying this for my table topper this year.

The reasons I love this fabric are many, but the two top reasons are it is cheap and it is neutral in color. It works in every room of my house and has been used accordingly!

So, other than as a topper for my holiday table settings, the other projects I’ve used burlap for are:

“Aprons” for my dining room chairs. I draped a length of burlap across the back of the chair, added a length of ribbon to the bottom edge of the chair, which I use to secure the apron in place. I also added our monogram to the back side.

apron close-up

Curtains. I’ve made full-length curtains in my bedroom, which subsequently went up in flames—reference a blog post for Jan 2010—and haven’t been reproduced. I’ve made café curtains for my dining room. They lay flat—no gathering—so the stiffness of the fabric works very well.return projects 003

(These are the curtains that existed for a brief shining moment in our bedroom—if I do it again, I’ll wash the fabric first.)

dinner table settings 005

(here’s a shot of the full array of burlap used in my dining room—the table runner—as wide as the table—the chair aprons and the café curtains.  The valances are an aqua toile with a taupe print—I added taupe tassels to “gussy them up.”)

Placemats. The easiest project ever! Simply cut out rectangle slightly larger than your desired finished size, then you pull the threads to fringe the ends. Done! This works for a table runner, as well.

So, here’s an idea that you can use for gift giving. Make coaster-sized burlap squares, then tie together a set of six—heck, twelve, they’re cheap—with some ribbon. There you go—a gift for almost anyone. If you want to take it to the next level, you can stencil the monogram of your gift recipient on the coasters.

So, I hope you have enjoyed the many wonders of burlap today!


I’d love to hear how you’ve used burlap in your décor.

Thank you for your indulgence.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Boating Analogy

(This was my article for The Leaf Chronicle a few weeks ago.)

Have you ever felt like you’ve got each of your feet in two different boats and they’re floating away from each other?

That’s the only way I can describe the feeling I get this time of year ever since opening my shop. At the shop, I’ve already decorated for Christmas, but at the house we’re still transitioning from Halloween to Thanksgiving. I fight the push of Christmas—leaving most of my fall décor intact and work in the Christmas trees and snowmen.

My home décor actually benefited from the transition this year, because the really amazing bunch of cornstalks I had outfitted with a burlap wrap, tulle and a rusty ring of skeleton keys is now standing in my entrance hall! What an impact as you walk in the door. It may have to be mine—permanently.cornstalks 2011

( . . . and there it is!  I brought it home and will leave it there as long as I can get away with it!)

So, as promised, we’re moving into the house with our fall decor. Many houses have a nice foyer where you can add another welcoming touch to carry-out your theme, such as a fall floral arrangement on a table. But what if you don’t have a formal foyer? There are many strategies you can use to draw the eye into the home—choose your focal point and that is where you’ll put your decorative emphasis.

For instance, if you walk through your front door and the first thing you see is your staircase, add a fall garland. Nothing expensive, just grab some of that wisteria or jasmine that is going dormant, wrap it in a loose configuration, around the railing. Make a swag of Indian corn tied with raffia and you’re done. If you want a little more color run several yards of (again—loosely configured) wide ribbon through the railing and vines. Depending on your color selections and with a few changes, this arrangement can easily become you Christmas décor, too.

A fall mantel looks great with some basic changes to your usual décor. I usually switch-out the brightly colored tea cups and saucers I have displayed on a stand for my brown transferware. I add other details, such as amber bottles and I change my vintage book “risers” to reflect the colors of the season. I switch my glass candle sticks for my brass ones and the color of the candles generally changes, as well.

tea cups stand

A quick arrangement for the dining room table is always something folks are asking about when planning to entertain. The simplest arrangements can be made with large pumpkin (I prefer the Princess or Cinderella variety) set atop a cake stand. Under the pumpkin you can place a layer of leaves fanning out around the edge or I would choose a crocheted doily, slightly larger than the cake stand so it can drape over the edge. Sprinkle nuts—still in their shell—around the base of the stand and intersperse glass votives around the table, too. You can also mix in gourds, pomegranates and pinecones of acorns for a “full” look. Remember to use unscented candles on your table, but feel free to light-up the scents of fall throughout the rest of the house.

buffet lamps

(this is pre-plush pumpkins)

more fall 2011 010

(many of the same elements—post-plush pumpkins!)

As I said, I’m not ready to rush the season, I still have a lot left to do!

(I have so many intended blog posts—I hope I can get to at least half of them!)

As always, I thank you for your indulgence!


Saturday, November 12, 2011

fall front door decor

(my article for The Leaf Chronicle—written for Oct 30th—actually, written for the 23rd, but not run until the 30th.)

Well, apparently resubmitting your column for a second run, a mere four weeks after its original publication is frowned upon at this newspaper. Go figure!

Yes, my editor contacted me—unfortunately, after I had walked away from the computer for the evening—to let me know that the article I submitted was run back on Sep 11th. It was a crazy time in my life and frankly I’ve pretty much lost an approximate two week period around the middle of September. I thought I had started but never submitted it, so I just updated it, sent it to Stacy and left for the day! Oops!

I’m not sure if this is going to get done in time to run on Oct 23rd, or if it will run the 30th, so I need to come-up with something quick and timeless. Considering the season, I think I’ll share a few fall decorating tips.

When we think about changing our décor for the seasons, our thoughts often go to our front entrance first. Many of us like to hang a wreath representative of the season, which is a great start. Seasonal wreaths can be purchased at a variety of locations, as can the supplies to make your own. Whether purchased or homemade, wreaths are often the harbinger of the new season for most home decorators.

porch wreath

Additional options for the entrance include pumpkins, mums and cornstalks. While I love a large, traditional pumpkin for carving jack-o-lanterns, I prefer the heirloom pumpkins, such a Cinderella and Lumina (white) varieties. The Cinderella variety is especially perfect for stacking. I like the stacked- look atop a large urn or planter, but is works just as well on the ground; for a little more flare, you can add a twist of vine around the stack.

stack pumpkins

If you have a porch with columns, tying a bunch of cornstalks to the columns is an easy adornment. After you get it secured to the column or other support, you can embellish it with ribbons and other decorations. This year, I first wrapped a large piece of burlap around the stalks, then several piece of tulle knotted at the front with the final touch of a ring of rusty skeleton keys, tied on with jute. If you’re stalks are short on corn cobs, you can tie a bunch of Indian corn at the front, too.

porch column

A collection of mums in a variety of pots, mixed with the pumpkin and lanterns or large mason jars are the perfect vignette for the entrance of any home. If you’ve got steps, scatter the assembly along one side. No stairs to you porch? Introduce a variety of heights by perching the pumpkins and lanterns on stands, inverted flower pots or hay bales. I would recommend leaving a few of your pumpkins un-carved—or “restock” your display after the jack-o-lanterns start to collapse—to carry your décor through Thanksgiving.

pumpkin porch

Well, I was going to share more, but didn’t even get past the front door! Next week, I’ll move the fall décor inside.

Thanks, as  always, for your indulgence!


Not the front door, but I love this . . .

pumpkin chair

Sunday, November 6, 2011

One for the boys . . .

my article for the leaf chronicle on oct 16th

This is going to be a tough one to write. I had a request from a friend for a “man article.” I quickly rebutted that I thought he would look great in pink (if you read last week’s column—you’ll get that joke), but I don’t think he was satisfied.

So, all week, I’ve been thinking about a home décor column for men, but mainly for men who don’t care about decorating. Which I always find rather confounding—if most of you “don’t care,” why do most of the women in my shop say, “Oh, my husband won’t like that.”

Therefore, instead of decorating advice for men in general, I think I’ll give some advice to the “don’t care” men, because they’re usually married to women—like me—who do care.

1. How our houses look does matter; it matters to us. We matter to you, ergo . . .

husband wife house

photo source

2. If it really, truly doesn’t matter to you and you express that opinion more than once, you resign all rights of refusal when we bedeck our beds in floral prints and eyelet accessories. It’s one room in the house; we know you want peace, if nowhere else, in this room. Allow us this one.


photo from Taylor Linens

3. It’s just paint. We can paint over it (and you know we will) in the future (probably next month). If we want to experiment with some color—remember it can be changed.

4. Recliners are not the only comfortable chairs in the world. Let me introduce you to the concept of a nice big chair and an ottoman.


photo source

5. It is okay to have a piece of painted furniture. Yes—real wood is nice, but not everything in the house has to be the natural, exposed grain of real wood.

6. While we may balk at your choice of golfing attire—it is alright to mix patterns in a large room—even a small room, when done with skill. Don’t freak-out when we show you a plaid and a floral pattern on the same sofa; it works, that’s what the designers get paid for doing.

mixed pattern sofa

photo source

7. All art work does not have to portray a battle scene of significance in your life or any other. Save it for the man cave. That goes for the dogs playing poker, too—it’s funny, but not in the living room.

dogs playing poker

photo source

8. We will watch football with you—some of us even enjoy it—but your favorite team’s colors do not have to be the theme for our family room.

9. No. Blankets are not suitable dressing for our windows. We can easily alter sheets and make them into wonderful curtains which can be opened and closed—unlike your big fuzzy blanket with the face of the lion—the one you had in college . . . yeah . . . you.

10. If you could feign a little interest, you’d probably come to realize we’re doing it for your comfort, as well as our own—maybe even more so for you. We do want you to love to come home and we want you to be proud when friends and family come to visit.

Thanks to my exercise buddy at the Y for requesting this special article. I’m pretty sure this is not what he had in mind, but it sure was easier to write that I thought it would be in paragraph two!

As always, I’m running behind!  We’ve been transforming the shop for Christmas, so my blog has been neglected.  I’ll catch-up over the next few days and try a new approach.

Thanks for your indulgence!


Monday, October 24, 2011

Lovin’ this time of year!

Sometimes I hate it when I have a good idea.  It usually means lots of work and a big mess.  This one was no different and the mess still lingers . . .
crowned skull, southern style wine goblets and bird on maple leaf
I was struggling with my plans for my October displays I the windows.  I’ve already sold enough of my Halloween decorations that I couldn’t justify the  spooky theme in the window.  Then, it came to me—a few hay bales, saw horses and a door and I’ve have a harvest gathering scene in the making!
Cut to the scene where the guy at Lowe’s tells me to stand back from the trailer where the bales are stored, because the  other day he opened it and a rat jumped out at him!  Perhaps I’ll rethink the hay bales . . . nah!
No rats on my visit—thank you.  stained glass and skull
I lay the obligatory plastic on the back of “Flo,” my ancient, paint stains on the carpet Suburban, and we load the bales.  One is pushed over the collapsed back seat—into the front where, while it was merely for posterity, there is no plastic sheeting.  What cha’ gonna do?
I begin the drive to the shop with all four windows down—it was a lovely day.
southern style wine goblets and sugar mold votive holder
Thus begins the whirling dervishes of bits and pieces of hay throughout the vehicle.  (Thanks goodness I thought to lay that plastic sheeting!)  I look in my rear view windows—I look like I’m leading the annual harvest parade.  The only thing missing is Lil’ Miss Sweet Potato to wave at the crowds from my roof top.
hops, stained glass, mantel and table
So I make it back to the shop—with hay in my hair and everywhere else—unload the hay bales and deposit them on my “front porch” where they’ll wait until the next day to be placed in the window, as I still need to remove the former display and go grab my kid from gymnastics practice.
stained glass window, cowboy hat
Tuesday morning I carve out an hour after walking the dog and before a meeting with the County Mayor, to remove the current window display and set-up the table.  All is going well, until I get those huge saw horses in the window—they’re too wide; we won’t be able to get around the table.  Dang!  pumpkins, skull, southern style wine goblets and whip-stitched napkins
Then I remember the iron table legs I have stored on the third floor.  I grab those and the huge box where I’ve stored the hops garland and manage to carry everything back down to the shop in one trip (stupid, stupid, stupid).  I screw the legs into the door—they’re also too wide, but much more diminutive than the saw horses.  I flip the table upright, hang the hops garland and go home to shower.willow wine bucket, mixed silver plate flatware set/5, red river red wine goblet
At the meeting, I struggle to focus on what is being said—my mind keeps wandering back to my window!  Once the meeting is over, I call Patty to tell her I’m sorry about leaving such a mess and that I’m headed to another appointment, when she informs me that my appointment cancelled!  Normally, that would frustrate me, but . . . YIPPEE!  I can go back to finish decorating the window. mantel with wheat, branches, bookd and pierced pumpkin
It took a few more days of piecing together our ideas—trying this and that, hunting down pumpkins and corn stalks—but I finally shut the door on Thursday night and felt satisfied that we had done a good job.
cornstalks and watering can with sunflowers
I had been planning to use these vintage prints in a display for Christmas, but was pleasantly surprised to find a use for them so quickly.
vintage print and covered bowl
Here are some of the new burlap pillows I ordered at market.  They’re stuffed with a filling of shredded plastic and are stenciled with the original art work of the owner/designer.porch swing, burlap eco pillows, and mossy mushrooms
The hardest part of taking pictures of my display windows is the reflection.  (Any tips from seasoned photographers or other shopkeepers are welcome!)  But if you study the picture below, you’ll see I’ve incorporated my beloved branches.  (Ryan showed me the perfect downed tree limb in the vacant lot next to his house!)
porch swing, burlap eco pillows, and window screen
I hung these window screens against the window to give the feeling of being on the outside looking into a porch.  They’re difficult to see, but I’ve added a bunch of those magnetic spiders to the screens—just a touch of spooky.
porch swing, burlap eco pillows, and window screen
These “tattooed” bamboo floor mats just arrived.  They have non-slip backing and are very durable.tattooed bamboo floor mat
Our sole surviving harvest color velvet pumpkin.  (I’ve “hidden” it in the window, thinking perhaps I may take it home . . .)harvest plush pumpkin, chick and finial
I hope you enjoy virtually perusing our Autumn Gathering display window.  If you’re in town, please stop by for a gander.  On Sunday I’ll be working on our “Paint it Pink” window for Breast Cancer Awareness month.  More on that later!
Thanks for your indulgence,
ps—let me tell you a little about those beautiful stained glass windows.  We believe they are 19th century and have been re-leaded.  They are 60 x 37”.  They most recently hung in our local Pub—The Blackhorse Pub and Brewery.  They are valued at $4,000 for the pair, but we’re asking 3,000.