
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

OMG Heather Bullard "linked" me!!!

You cannot imagine my surprise at finding several comments on a two-year-old post in my inbox this morning. Come to find out, Heather Bullard has touched me with her golden blog wand and lifted me out of obscurity! Even if this is a one-hit-wonder and I go back to my one or two comment posts (I love you ALL and your comments), I am going to bask in this moment of sunshine.
I feel ridicuolously giddy!
Here's the link to her post about my link!!! You should visit, because, while I'm making it sound as though this is my spotlight, I am proudly sharing it with seven incredibly talented ladies.
Going to go lather my face with lotion, as I'm afraid it may crack due to my perma-grin!
Thanks for your indulgence!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Three is my number!

Kendall says: I'm craving chicken fried rice . . . sounds good to me. I get one fortune cookie with three fortunes. (Three just happens to be my FA-VOR-ITE number!)
I think I'm still working through that test, but I'm well on my way to being happier!
I try to be happy and peaceful.
The third one--well, I guess I could deal with that. Lemme think--YUP, I could deal with that.
I think I'll start preparing for "vast proportions!"
Thanks for your indulgence,

Friday, August 13, 2010

A Buffet Tablescape

This is a table we have displayed at Hodgepodge—it is chock full of ideas for your consideration.

tablescape, right


wine rack display Ikat napkins

The pattern on these napkins and the tablecloth is call “Ikat” I love the graphic punch it offers.

plates and frod card

Above you’ll see some sandwich plates from the Mary Carol Collection—don’t you love the stylized flower?  How about that cute frog place card holder?  (It would also be a great photo holder!)  The sturdy bamboo-look handle on the cheese knife is great for cutting through hard cheeses. 

 square baker

Here you see a Hodgepodge signature offer—a bundled mix of vintage silver plate flatware for only $19.95!  It’s tied together with a satin ribbon on some raffia to echo the casual style of this table.  They’re placed in a square baker from TAG.

three tier display

One of favorite display pieces here at Hodgepodge is this three tier rusted metal stand—we use it for a variety of displays.  In your home, you might use it for fruits.  Or you can use it in your bathroom to contain your towels, soaps and powders.

two tier plate rack

This is one of our mainstays—a two tier plate holder.  Great for serving appetizers or stacking plates for a buffet service.

wine rack

Here we’ve included a wine rack right on the table—makes it easy for guests to help choose the wines , plus it serves as another eye  catching level.  The third picture (above) is a display we arranged on top of the rack!

I found a lot to talk about—I really love this job!

Let me know if you have any ideas or questions!

I’m going to link this to Between Naps on the Porch for her weekly “tablescape” event.  Be sure to visit some of the others, but BE WARNED—it’s addictive!  (Just ask my Mom!)

Thanks for your indulgence!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Put it out there—see what the Universe throws back!

A friend, who seems to find the right words, posted this on facebook. Think I’m getting the message . . .

I’ll put this in the “Answers to Prayers” file.

Thanks for your indulgence,


Where Have You Been?

Perhaps it’s the influence of Summer, perhaps it’s just a lack of focus, perhaps it’s just not knowing where to start.

Since attending the market in Atlanta, it seems I’ve been on a constant treadmill of inactivity, apathy, . . . don’t know what to call it. (There are no truly appropriate antonyms for the noun, imagination—I looked it up.) So, let me use it as an adjective—I am not imaginative . . . I am dull.

I am dull, like the broad side of a single oar in a row boat, paddling in circles.

If I’m being truly honest, I’ve been feeling this way for most of the year. Lots of great ideas, but not much initiative.

It doesn’t help when I read publications like this:

wwc pic

or this:

somerset studio

or this:


Talk about feeling like you’ve done nothing with your life! Reading about these ladies and all they do makes me embarrassed to be blogging and not creating, but then there’s this . . .

art blog

I just need to work on this a little more . . .

**NOTE TO THOSE PRONE TO ENCOURAGE ME . . . not necessary! I am already in the process of getting my act together.

Finding center, searching my soul and digging deep for some motivation.

More later . . .

Thanks for your indulgence!
