
Friday, April 23, 2010

It’s Coming . . .

Clarksville’s most unique flea market . . . RoostLogoFinal

This is our answer to all of those fabulous “occasional sales” happening to far away from us!   The Summer 2010 issue of Flea Market Style magazine addresses these sales touting the very same sales Kendall and I have been drooling over, but are never able to attend.

Most are held in a barn or out in someone’s field, but we’re going to use the space above ARTifacts—thus the moniker, “The Roost.”

For our sale, we’ve gathered the funky style of Jane Burney, owner of Lovin’ Spoonful Cafe here in Clarksville.  The classically creative talents of Tabitha Tackett of LilyBelle Antiques.  Tabitha currently displays at ARTifacts and plans to bring together even more of her amazing finds for this show.  We’re also proud to host Gina Luker of The Shabby Chic Cottage.  Stop by and visit her blog to see the types of things you’ll find in her booth at the sale.  What a treasure we’ve found in her!  Then, there will be stuff from yours truly.  I’ve been gathering items for quite some time—things that are too large for our booth in ARTifacts, as well as some creative endeavors. 

If you know anyone else who would like to participate, send them our way.  Vendor applications are available here.  We intend to make this a monthly event, so save the first Saturday of each month for a day of fun for you!

So here’s the skinny:

May 1st, 9 AM – 4 PM—oh,

and it’s FREE!

Thanks for your indulgence,


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Some Restoration Progress

The repair work has finally begun and we’re moving right along!  They’ve removed the wallpaper . . .

dining room, no paper


and painted below the chair rail, as well as the ceiling and all of the trim (including the built-in and fireplace mantle).

dining room paint

Can you see the slight blue tint to the ceiling?  We used it in the kitchen when Darren painted this winter and I love it!  We’re using it throughout the first floor of the house.  Can’t wait for you to see the wallpaper!  It’s going up next weekend.

Here’s some progress pictures of the bedroom:

Our new ceiling!  The brighter white part is where they haven’t added the finish layer.  They were kind enough to patch the wall cracks, too.  (Which sent my contractor into a panic, as we didn’t discuss fixing the cracks and he knows how I like the imperfections of my house.)

firerepairs 028

They’ve also painted our hallway, half-bath and the master bath!  (I’ll post those later.)

They’ve taken out sections on our wood work in order to replicate it.  They’ve taken out the windows, too.  I’m told the new windows will even open!  (The originals had been caulked closed years ago—in a vain effort to “save energy.”)  I’m told they’re even going to  reconnect the weight and pulley counter balance system!

firerepairs 032

It’s strange having our house so empty—Darren, a creature of habit, has been placing his work paraphernalia on the floor, right where the dining room table used to be.  Everything I seem to need is in a box somewhere.  I have promised myself, however, that when I am able to return all items to their drawers and cabinets, I will be  weeding out the items I haven’t used in a while.  I WILL, I WILL . . .

Here’s one more pic, just because it’s pretty . . .

wisteria vine 2010

Already gone and green now—wish they could create one that just blooms.

Thanks for your indulgence!


Monday, April 5, 2010

Occasional Sale

You've seen them in all of your favorite magazines--you've been reading about them on our favorite blogs, but you've been wondering if they'll ever come to your area.  Guess what, we've been wondering the same thing!  And guess what else?  We have the room to make it happen!  So, in one month we will hold our first  "First Saturday  Occasional Sale..”

Think mini flea market where you’ll find only the best of the best—no discontinued make-up products, no games for Sega Genesis systems, no sweat socks!  This is for vendors who have a knack for display, an eye for style and more stuff than they can fit into their own homes!

We’re looking for vendors for this rain or shine event, so if you think you fit the bill, download one of our applications and bring it into Hodgepodge or ARTifacts with your payment to secure your space.  The location is the way-cool urban chic floor above ARTifacts.  It’s inside and you will have time to set-up your displays in advance—like THREE days in advance, should you choose!  We only have room for ten vendors (actually, only 8—two reservations already!) so respond ASAP!

If you need some inspiration for the types of vendors we’re looking for—check-out one of these links:

Miss Frenchie’s

Marburger Farmns Antique show

Anyhoo, we think it’s a great idea.  Keep your eyes here . . .we’re sure you’ll be pleased!

Thanks for your indulgence,


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Vintage Black Friday/Saturday

A day late (thanks to my inability to deal technology).

Our cabinets . . .
a bunny blackboard . . .
vintage frames (transformed into a cork board) and companion . . .

vintage sugar bowl--now a lamp . . .vintage mill for french cut green beans . . .
my long sought-after kitchen aid mixer . . .

shelf/display . . .
vintage stamp (lousy photo) . . .
not so vintage, but black . . .

These are pictures from my kitchen. We painted our cabinets black when we first moved into the house. The accessories—decorative and useful—are often black. These items combined with our tin ceiling back splash and recycled desk-turned-island, make my “vintage black” kitchen my favorite room in our house.

Remember to visit The French Cupboard to view the other submissions.

Thanks for your indulgence!