
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

An Introduction to Debbee Thibault

It seems a little late in the game to be making introductions--especially since I've had the wonderful creations of this talented artist since shorlty after opening Hodgepodge. So, I guess this blog entry is for those of you whom have not heard me wax poetic about Debbee Thibault American Collectibles.

Debbee Thibault started her American Collectibles figurines in 1985 when she made her first Santa . She says that each creation first starts with a story. As she creates the "character" she works the story into it. She temporarily tried having her creations "mass produced" but quickly saw this as a mistake and reigned in her projects and reclaimed sole production control.

The collectibles are made of a paper composite, which is poured into the mold created from the paper mache originals. Each of the characters is hand-painted, numbered and signed at her studio in southern California.

I encourage you to visit Hodgepodge and take a close look at her wonderfully unique creations. We will be adding our current selection of collectibles to the web site shortly and anticipate adding the new items as they arrive.

I'll also try to add special items from other artists--Nicol Sayre and Wendy Addison to name a couple. But don't hold your breath. I'm much more interested in the boutique business than the internet business.

Thanks for your indulgence.